Previous Recs
Recs By Author

= stories recced as new = stories recced as classics

A Cup of Kindness
By Maureen B. Ocks (
No summary
(No classifications ** Not rated ** 8K)
Maurice and Lyda's Rec: Maureen's dialogue is as charming as ever in this absolutely delightful follow-up to "Millenium."
Four Star Weekend
By Maureen B. Ocks (
No summary
(No classifications ** Rated R for Reviews ** 4K)
Padgett's Rec: Mulder and Scully read the critics' takes on "The Lazarus Bowl" in this fun and charming story.
By Maureen B. Ocks (
No summary
(400 words, schmoop, dark skies ** Not rated ** 4K)
Padgett's Rec: There's almost nothing better than great conversational banter between Mulder and Scully, and Maureen delivers an excellent exchange in this short tale about a glittering moment in time.
Out of the Mist Your Voice is Calling
By Maureen B. Ocks (
300 words. E-Muse/Scullyfic Songfic challenge.
(No classifications ** Not rated ** 2K)
Langly's Rec: Maureen's dialogue shines in this short "Kill Switch" piece, and Mulder and Scully's discussion fits in perfectly with this update's music theme.
Whom And What They Like
By Maureen B. Ocks (
No summary
(No classifications ** Not rated ** 7K)
Ahab's Rec: Sweet, playful dialogue defines this "The Unnatural" post-ep - it's very easy to hear Mulder and my Starbuck saying these words, wearing smiles on their faces and putting smiles on yours.
Woven Deep
By Maureen B. Ocks (
No summary
(No classifications ** Not rated ** 53K)
CSM's Rec: In this tremendously moving story surrounding the events of The Sixth Extinction and Amor Fati, Maureen tells the tale of Mulder and Scully healing in more ways than one. It's beautiful in its characterization and simple romance.
By Maureen B. Ocks (
No summary
(510 words ** Not rated ** 8K)
Melissa's Rec: With great dialog dancing between restraint and full on emotion, Maureen delivers a tasty little "Grotesque" post-ep.
By Ophelia (
Something very angry is haunting a tiny graveyard on the Vineyard.
(X, A, MSR ** NC-17 ** 463K)
Deep Throat's Rec: One of the most involved, most emotional, and most engaging stories you could ever hope to find! Ophelia also does a marvelous job with characterization, and even though it's long, you'll want the story to keep on going.
Apparent Inability
By Oracle (
Some use words, others use silence.
(SRA ** R ** 14K)
CSM's Rec: In this angsty story, Scully's and Mulder's conflicting inward and outward feelings are explored post "all things." The characters are drawn very well, their thoughts and actions playing as if this is just what happened off screen.
At Sunset
By Oracle (
They meet by the cliffs, beneath the orange sunset, as the shadows fall.
(VA, post-col, character death ** PG ** 5K)
Amazing Maleeni's Rec: The imagery is absolutely gorgeous in this short, melancholy slice of post-colonized life.
By Oracle (
"I can still see it, Mulder. Every detail was perfect, as though we'd never left that place."
(SRA ** PG-13 ** 32K)
The Jersey Devil's Rec: Thank goodness that Oracle wanted a post-ep for the season 2 episode "Excelsis Dei" and couldn't find one because it led to her writing this gorgeous, crafty story. Scully and Mulder are both perfectly characterized as Scully wades through dreams and reality involving the conspiracy and her partnership with Mulder.
By Oracle (
Isn't this what she's always wanted?
(VA ** PG ** 10K)
Amazing Maleeni's Rec: Oracle wonderfully captures the tension between Mulder and Scully evident at the end of "Never Again." Scully's voice is perfect as she muddles through her confused emotions, in how she interprets Mulder's actions, and how she eventually comes to a sort of resolution about it all.
By Oracle (
In the space of only seven years...
(V, A, ScullyAngst, UST, implied MSR ** PG ** 9K)
Queequeg's Rec: The contrast between Scully's lonely past and contented future is poignantly depicted in this angsty yet hopeful vignette.
By Oracle (
Something between them has been slowly melting, thawing like the winter cold, and maybe tonight it will wash away.
(SRHA, Mulder/Scully Romance ** R ** 23K)
Ahab's Rec: So many lines, paragraphs, and scenes in this story read like poems, washing over you like rain and making you want to stop, pause, and savor each drop before the next one falls. It's a mystery, it's a romance, and it's a gem of a story.
Energy and Light
By Oracle (
Four girls have vanished, each one on a different night. Each one by the light of a full moon. Is it just a coincidence?
(XRA, MSR, Slightly AU ** R ** 126K)
Max's Rec: Oracle's language is lovely and Mulder and Scully's lives and emotions are strikingly woven into this story's mysterious casefile.
Fourth Morning
By Oracle (
"Why did you stay last night?"
(VRA ** PG-13 ** 5K)
Deep Throat's Rec: Oracle manages to quickly set a mood crackling with UST (or is it RST?) in this delectable vignette. Mulder is particularly good here, sleepy and charming.
By Oracle (
"Why would God allow this to happen? Why do bad things happen to good people? Religion has masqueraded as the paranormal since the dawn of time to justify some of the most horrible acts in history." -- Fox Mulder, 'All Souls'
(VRA ** PG-13 ** 10K)
Boggs's Rec: Mulder and Scully have deep belief and faith in very different things, something that was always a tantalizing contrast on the show. Oracle examines the dichotomy via Mulder's thoughts on religion and God through a series of scene snapshots from his childhood to a future with Scully, and it's a wonderful, insightful journey.
Inside the Cards
By Oracle (
She left him there in the dark with her lie, and now the truth won't leave her alone.
(SRA, Mulder/Scully Romance ** PG-13 ** 26K)
Langly's Rec: There's little more painful than knowing you've hurt someone you care about. Mulder and Scully have wounded each other terribly in this soul-searching story set after "One Son." Will they find a way to forgive and move forward together? Read on and find out.
Keeping Melissa
By Oracle (
You need to believe that she's still around, that she isn't all in your head.
(VA ** PG ** 8K)
Roche's Rec: Of all the ways that Scully may grieve her sister Melissa, this may be one of the more surprising yet strangely appropriate ways.
By Oracle (
A late autumn bloom.
(VRA ** PG-13 ** 7K)
Diana Fowley's Rec: This story is written as a series of distinct scene snapshots set during and after "Redux II," but it reads like one smooth perfect tale and it washes right over you like a nice warm stream. Gorgeous, gorgeous words and emotion.
By Oracle (
One thing that will never end.
(VRA ** PG ** 9K)
Tooms's Rec: In this touching vignette, Oracle provides us with a lovely glimpse of Mulder and Scully on the verge of romance.
October Skies
By Oracle (
"We'll be partying all night long, anyway," says Mulder, planning to take her home as soon as she yawns. "Right?" "You got it."
(SRA ** PG-13 ** 38K)
Deep Throat's Rec: This is the sort of spooky Halloween story us ghosts at The Other Side like to see! It's got pie, costumes, a party, holiday tunes, and a gothic mansion. Put all that together with Scully abduction angst and UST, and you've got a winning story!
By Oracle (
The way you appear vs. The way you are
(XRA ** R ** 38K)
Diana Fowley's Rec: Stories where Mulder or Scully is involved with another person only to discover their true feelings for the other are a sort of cliche, but this one is a little different. In addition to Oracle's smart, clean writing style and terrific dialogue, you'll find that the "Other" in this story isn't there so much for affection or jealousy as for tipping partnership up to and possibly over the brink.
By Oracle (
"You know I'll always save you from drowning."
"You always do. You always keep my head above water."
(Mulder/Scully UST ** PG ** 19K)
Padgett's Rec: Scully's cold-induced fog combines with her residual anger and sadness over Mulder's near-death in this angsty, sweet post-ep for "Triangle."
By Oracle (
Earth to Scully.
(M/S UST ** PG-13 ** 10K)
Samantha's Rec: Great things can come in small packages as proven by this glimpse into Scully's thoughts while on a particularly difficult and revealing case.
By Anna Otto
I came of age in the city with enforced curfews and nightly shows of searchlights, in one of the worst times for the human race. I've been humiliated and lied to, I've seen treachery and cruelty, I've been loved and betrayed. And, if given a choice, I would go through it all over again.
(XRA, set post-colonization ** PG-13 ** 169K)
Amazing Maleeni's Rec: It's a post-colonization story, and yes, it really includes a carnival. It's about much more than that, though. Told from the point of view of someone wholly disconnected from the X-Files universe, it's unique and full of strange loyalties and interesting secret missions. Anna wrote a missing scene from this story, Hidden Passages.
By Beatriz Owl (
"Look into the darkness, and tell me what you see."
(Vignette, MSR, A smidgen of angst ** PG-13 ** 4K)
Queequeg's Rec: Spiders play into Mulder's and Scully's longing for each other in this strangely woven but impactful tale.

Point of View
By Parrotfish
Mulder sinks into a deep blue funk after closing a brutal case. When Scully tries to bring him out of it, he asks more of her than she'd intended to give.
(MSR ** NC-17 ** 25K)
Samantha's Rec: The aftermath of a horrific case and a trip to a planetarium to stargaze lead to some important realizations for Fox and Scully.
The Crouching Thing
By Sarah Ellen Parsons (
Sometimes we see things we don't want to see.
(Story, horror ** PG-13 ** 31K)
Deep Throat's Rec: Set many years in the future, this story focuses on Scully and her family. It's a very strange story, but it is also very emotionally gripping in the way it presents the aftermath of Mulder's going missing in "Requiem."
Cruise Part 1, Part 2
By Madeleine Partous (
A series of mysterious deaths aboard its ships leads a cruise line to contact the FBI as rumours of a vengeful ghost begin to fly. Is the killer striking from beyond the grave?
(MSR, x-file ** R/NC-17 ** 211K)
Ahab's Rec: Set almost entirely on the ocean, this story has a classic paranormal feel with just the right amount of longing and romance. It also weaves in many important elements of early season four to create a lovely, and at times scary, ride of a tale.
The Hollow Man
By Madeleine Partous (
Mulder faces his nemesis -- and it's not what he expected.
(Angst, MSR ** NC-17 ** 35K)
Tooms's Rec: Deep in Mulder's mind, he finds what was, is, and could be in this tense, visceral tale.
Cutting to the Chase
By PD (
"You know, Scully, you don't have to qualify our relationship to anyone. Not even to your brother." Scully sighed and curled her arm over his chest. "Still, one of these days, I'd like to figure out exactly what to say when I need to make introductions. 'Hello, I'd like you to meet my...'" Scully made a Password gesture that would have made the late, great Allen Ludden proud as a new papa. "How 'bout Mulder?" She grinned. "I'd like you to meet my Mulder?" "I am," he said.
(MSR, babyfic, S, R, H ** PG-13 ** 94K)
Melissa's Rec: With her trademark wit and great dialogue, PD gives readers both babyfic and marriagefic without getting too sappy. It's a fun, lighthearted read, featuring a very likeable Charles Scully.
By PD (
Smut - thinly veiled as a first person character study.
(VHR MSR ** NC-17 ** 24K)
The Jersey Devil's Rec: Nobody writes Mulder and Scully getting to know each other (smut or no smut) like PD writes them. This time, they don't spend much time outside by the trees because they have much better things to do inside.
Heavenly Creatures
By Pellinor (
How do you commit murder when you're dead? Sometimes, being in heaven can be such a bore....
(SH ** PG ** 31K)
Tooms's Rec: Characters don't exactly return in this vignette of sharp, dry wit, but they're still thinking and plotting and trying to interact with people they once knew as told humorously through a unique perspective. And for the record, I do not wear frills and I do not play the harp.
The Way Through the Woods
By Pellinor ( and Rebecca Rusnak (
Three months ago, someone noticed something unusual about Scully. Now, in a desperate attempt to stave off the inevitable, Mulder has disappeared, and Scully's only chance of finding him include an unlikely ally and an untrustworthy informant. As they make their way through the woods, can Mulder and Scully find each other, or is the future lost?
(TA ** R ** 203K)
Boggs's Rec: This is a story packed with mytharc intrigue, emotional and physical pain, trusted and untrusted loyalties, deep angst, and curious psychic powers. It's fantastic! The sweeping plot is well developed and involved, and every character is distinct and well-drawn, but I think Mulder is particularly fascinating and spot-on.
The Old Yawn and Stretch
By Missy Pennington
Scully recalls the summer she learned the real rules of baseball.
(V, UST ** Not rated ** 8K)
Exley's Rec: It never made sense that Agent Scully had never hit a baseball until Agent Mulder taught her how to hit under the stars, and thank goodness for Missy who puts that all in sweet context.
By Missy Pennington (
Mulder and Scully survive a plane crash to find themselves injured and stranded in the Appalachian wilderness.
(X/S/MSR ** R ** 253K)
Max's Rec: As far as I'm concerned, this story is the be-all-end-all of adventure stories, sets a very high standard for incredible romance that fits perfectly into the larger story, includes one of the best Scully lines of all time (whether she's intoxicated or not), and is one of the most exciting stories you can ever hope to find. It's a classic! You can find its three wonderful sequels (Distance, Wild Places, and Escape Me Never) at Whispers of X.
Contact High
By Penumbra (
Scully drops by Mulder's apartment one evening and one thing sort of leads to another. Colonization metaphors abound. Mulder's new bed has a cameo.
(S\R, Angst, RST ** NC-17 ** 91K)
Roche's Rec: One of the most perfect post-episode stories period. The creative story and the enviously fabulous writing are both top notch. If Mulder and Scully didn't leave the events of "Field Trip" and feel, say, and do everything in this story full of shared daydreams, they very well should have.
By Penumbra
Science and Mysticism conjoin
(S, MSR ** R ** 315K)
Samantha's Rec: The stargazing scene in this story cannot be missed. In fact, this whole story cannot be missed because you'd be hard pressed to find such an excellent story in any dimension inhabited by anyone, living or dead. Believe me, I've looked.
Queequeg's Rec: In this marvelous story that you can never read too many times, numerous animals make memorable appearances. My special favories include a picky bear, some stink ants, and an elusive Skunkape.
Melissa's Rec: Among its many virtues, this classic features a memorable Thanksgiving at my mother's home, with Mulder in attendance against Dana's wishes.
Exley's Rec: This story is not what I would classify as a sports story, and other ghosts have already recommended it, but it has Scully giving Mulder a thoughtful sports-related gift as well as one of the best basketball scenes ever, so I must rec it again.
Byers's Rec: Even if this story didn't otherwise have scenes involving poetry, it would have to be recommended in a poetry themed update because of this superb line alone: "He was thirty years old when she met him, all scapegrace and mettle, and built like a poem." Go read the story because in context, this line's even better.
Tam Lin
By Pequod
Myth and murder combine in a remote Scottish village, and Mulder and Scully investigate.
(XRA ** NC-17 ** 232K)
The Jersey Devil's Rec: This casefile involving fairies is well-developed and interesting, but it's insight into Scully's thoughts and the fiery back-and-forth between Mulder and Scully that drives this story home. Pequod writes a very smart, quick-witted, and charming Mulder and an equally smart, skeptical, and warm Scully, and they're perfect together.
By Perelandra
Free the mind, and the body will follow.
(V/R/A, MSR ** NC-17 ** 17K)
Ahab's Rec: Two agents find a sort of peace and each other in this beautiful tale capturing comfort and longing by the ocean.
The Secret Life of Airports
By Perelandra
Lives -- routinely made, routinely broken.
(V ** G ** 10K)
Max's Rec: Scully's voice is excellent in this first person point of view story that tracks Scully's thoughts about the normalcy (or lack thereof) and anonymity of people's lives, including her own.
A Simple Charm
By Philiater (
Post "Theef"
(M and S first time ** R ** 14K)
Roche's Rec: In the aftermath of "Theef," the events of the previous months and the experiences of seven years bring Scully to Mulder's apartment. Philiater uses this history well and writes a very enjoyable first time story.
By Linda Phillips (
After Mulder's death, his grown daughter discovers an old journal of Scully's.
(Mulder/Scully UST, Mulder/Other Romance, character dies, S/A ** PG ** 33K)
Padgett's Rec: Scully's struggle with cancer is thoughtfully remembered many years later, as is her undeniable bond with Mulder, in this heartbreaking but redemptive, loving story.
Mighty Workings
By Plausible Deniability (
Paper-thin motel walls pose a problem for Agent Mulder.
(S, a little H ** NC-17 ** 18K)
Roche's Rec: Just read this very funny story where Mulder and Scully are so very Mulder and Scully while at the same time so not Mulder and Scully.
Paphian Dreams
By Politic X ( or
Scully ponders a series of nightmares, personal issues and a disturbingly familiar case file, while Mulder ponders the true reason for the implant.
(X, M/S UST ** Not rated ** 131K)
Roche's Rec: It's difficult to talk about this story because it is so complex, so tightly written, so conscious of Scully's past and present life, and so emotionally gripping that finding the right words to describe it all is virtually impossible. Basically, this story is breathtaking. Compare this story with Politic X's new story Reverie, a sort of reworked version of "Paphian Dreams" that involves some different characters and sheds Scully's emotions in a new yet still entirely fascinating light.
The Eyes of Texas
By Polly (
Mulder and Scully get the call when someone is threatening the President of the United States.
(MSR, Casefile ** PG-13 ** 79K)
Exley's Rec: If you can handle a very happy and together Mulder and Scully, then chances are you'll enjoy this intriguing casefile featuring my favorite sport.
Something in Common
By Polly ( and SLS (
"I'm a man who values the truth, remember? That's something we do have in common."
(S, Angst ** Not rated ** 33K)
Melissa's Rec: Mulder and Doggett both lost a son, albeit in different ways, and it's good to see a story finally grab that connection and use it to bring a sort of peace to both Mulder and Doggett even as they're in the midst of the turmoil of "The Truth."
Sweet Dreams
By Polly (
The Case of the Mysteriously Appearing Waterbed
(Post episode Dreamland I and II ** PG-13 ** 19K)
Roche's Rec: Frohike is completely endearing (and a bit hung over) as he tries to help Mulder understand where and why he got his new bed.
By Pteropod (
"They are traveling home after burying Teena Mulder at sea."
(Post-ep (Closure), M/S UST ** PG ** 13K)
Samantha's Rec: Orion shines down on Fox and Scully as they travel home from my mother's funeral. Pteropod's depiction of their tenderness and caring is lovely, as is her poetic language.
Thirty-four Minutes in the Life of Brian
By Pteropod (
Thirty-four minutes on a day between Je Souhaite and Requiem.
(MSR ** PG ** 5K)
Langly's Rec: Monty Python, singing, and innuendo. This story has it all. Pteropod writes fabulous dialog that shows Mulder and Scully simply enjoying themselves and each other.

In Absentia II - Airports and Airplanes
By QofMush (
Does absence make the heart grow fonder or smarter?
(MSR ** PG ** 13K)
Max's Rec: Point of view shifts between Mulder and Scully make their longing for each other all the more powerful in this wonderful, wonderful tale of holding back and then letting go. I think that this story could technically stand alone, but it is well worth your time to first read the one that precedes it, Missing Time, and then the one that follows it, Zigged/Zagged.
the lost art of keeping a secret
By queenofalostart (
No summary
(post-colonization, angsty-ahoy, mulder pov, au ** R ** 60K)
Diana Fowley's Rec: Mulder is awesome in this gritty post-col story. All the characters are terrifically written, but Mulder is particularly magnetic with a mix of intense anger, drive, and sadness.
By Eodrakken Quicksilver (
A possession. A nightmare. A love story. A different point of view. Post-"Apocrypha".
(No classifications ** G ** 15K)
Queequeg's Rec: A well written, stunning, and intriguing story, this one will wash over you and make you think and wonder.

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