Previous Recs
Recs By Author

= stories recced as new = stories recced as classics

By Suzanne Bickerstaffe ( and Carol Jenner (
At the request of their friends Chris and Candy, Mulder and Scully go to Florida to investigate the overnight disappearance of a whole town. When they run into the inevitable trouble, a very unexpected ally comes to their aid.
(X, Mulder/Scully UST ** R ** 178K)
Diana Fowley's Rec: This story brings back an old friend from Mulder's past and another original character from Twister, also recommended by me in this update, though I think it can stand alone as casefile without reading that story first (although you should read it because it's good). Unexpected, strange, and alarming twists abound in this fast-paced and very cool tale that also features great characterizations of familiar characters, particularly in their dialogue.
By Suzanne Bickerstaffe ( and Carol Jenner (
Mulder and Scully are drawn into investigating a lethal meteorological phenomenon (and a chilling conspiracy) by a woman from Mulder's past.
(X,S, Mulder/other (sorta), M/S UST ** PG-13/R ** 203K)
Diana Fowley's Rec: This story is a fantastic journey from start to finish. The casefile is fascinating and well-developed, the descriptions of tornadoes are detailed and scary, Candy is a terrifically interesting original character, and Mulder and Scully are both wonderfully written with respect and adult emotion. Twister has a sequel, Groveton, which is also recommended in this update.
Drive, He Said
By Jennifer Oksana (
Where do you go when there's nowhere left?
(V, A, character death, MSR ** R ** 10K)
CSM's Rec: You wouldn't think that such a deep, mournful, moving story could be told in just 10K. Scully's so painfully vivid it hurts.
By Jess (
Mulder and Scully must decide whether the possibility of saving the world would be worth never knowing the other existed.
(UST, MSR, X-File ** PG-13 ** 52K)
Maurice and Lyda's Rec: This story is a gem! It's got smart dialogue, Roswell, glorious UST, throwbacks to "The Unnatural," and a time traveling X-File all wrapped up in a 1947 package tied with a big bow of delicious romance.
Rosetti's Goblins
By Jess (
Mulder and Scully (who else?) investigate the mysterious deaths of people in the Olympic National Forest and a lot of orange goop.
(UST, almost MSR, X-File ** PG ** 77K)
The Jersey Devil's Rec: The orange goop premise sounds ridiculous, but soon this charming story will suck you in with its intense romanticism and mystery.
The Airport
By JessM (
Up, up and away!
(SMUT, SMUT, SMUT, MSR, SMUT ** NC-17 ** 53K)
Max's Rec: Mulder and Scully are flustered and flirty in this story, which the word "hot" doesn't even begin to describe, but they're also always Mulder and Scully. What they say always rings true for those two characters. Also, did I mention that this story is hot?
By JessM (
Mulder gives new meaning to the words "Type A personality".
(X-File, UST ** PG ** 39K)
Maurice and Lyda's Rec: Been waiting years for Mulder and Scully to finally move forward in their relationship? Mulder makes a fast move in this story, quite literally.
By JET (
Small Lives Awake Sequel
(S is for Silly Schmoopy Smutty Secret September Swap Story ** Not rated ** 27K)
The Great Pumpkins's Rec: Mulder and Scully share stories and secrets in this lovely, romantic outtake from an unfinished sequel to "Small Lives Awake." The story stands well on its own, but we can always ask for more!
In the Blue
By JET (
No summary
(No classifications ** Not rated ** 9K)
Langly's Rec: I adore Mulder in Scully in this story because they're so convincingly real, bantering and plotting through a tense and surprising Friday evening.
Night Giving Off Flames
By JET (
"Yet from those flames no light, but rather darkness visible."
(Angst, Oddness, M/S, Quasi-Post-Colonization AU ** Not rated ** 53K)
CSM's Rec: This is one of those stories you'll read again and again, each time catching some new detail that will take your breath away. JET's poetic storytelling is at its best in this gorgeous tale of loss and redemption.
Untitled: Scenes for Quiescence
By JET (
Post-"The Truth"
(No classifications ** Not rated ** 20K)
Maurice and Lyda's Rec: This story is so very, very lovely. Mulder and Scully are on the run and in a less than perfect situation for the holidays, but the hope theme from the end of "The Truth" plays a role here and finds them with a sense of peace.
Silence Waiting
By JET (
"I saw old Autumn in the misty morn stand shadowless like Silence, listening to silence..." -- Thomas Hood
(Oddness. Angst. ** NC-17 ** 105K)
The Great Pumpkin's Rec: With Mulder recovering from his "Amor Fati" illness and surgery, he and Scully investigate a woman who can read others' thoughts. Rich in both language and emotion, JET's parallel love stories make this tale a particularly sweet Halloween treat.
Small Lives Awake
By JET ( or
Thanksgiving, 2000.
"For it is important that awake people be awake, or a
breaking line may discourage them back to sleep; the
signals we give -- yes or no, or maybe -- should be
clear: the darkness around us is deep."
-- William Stafford
(M/S, Story, Oddness, Alt-U ** NC-17 ** 77K)
Melissa's Rec: With her inimitable, poetic style and a touch of holiday whimsy, JET gifts us with a lovely story of Mulder and Dana's Thanksgiving with our brother Charlie and his family.
Snippetfic from Small Lives Awake sequel
By JET (
No summary
(No classifications ** Not rated ** 6K)
Maurice and Lyda's Rec: JET writes Mulder and Scully so sweetly yet with just a hard enough edge that they're still Mulder and Scully. You can eat them up in this story with a spoon they're so perfectly delicious!
Things That Lie Outside
By JET ( or
"The dead need peace, the dead need sleep, let the dead have peace and sleep..." -- Carl Sandburg
("Paper Hearts" Post-ep, AU ** Not Rated ** 70K)
Samantha's Rec: In this story in which I play a big role, JET leaps off from the events in Paper Hearts and almost makes me wish that the show had taken this leap too because it's so good.
Untitled Five Minute Fic
By JET (
If context helps, this scene is somewhere in the quasi-Small Lives Awake-sequel I've been bouncing around for a while.
(No classifications ** Not rated ** 3K)
Padgett's Rec: Scully family arguing, Mulder and Scully romance, and brownies. Who can ask for more? (We all can - ask JET for more!)
God's Breath
By Jintian (
A mysterious death brings Scully's faith and personal history to the fore.
(XRA ** R ** 293K)
Melissa's Rec: A wonderful story about the family Dana had, the one she almost had, and the one in her life now. Mixed with a well-constructed casefile and a smart, serious look at perhaps the most intriguing aspect of Scully, her faith, this story rises high.
One Life
By Jintian (
After Scully is returned from another abduction, things change for the partners. May be disturbing if you're looking for a happy ending.
(SRA, mythology, M/S something, Mulder angst ** NC-17 ** 67K)
Max's Rec: It's hard to describe Jintian's story aside from saying that its words, especially the internal and spoken dialogue, may break your heart.
Green Light
By JLB (
Scully, her dreams, and a sleepy Mulder in traffic...
(V, A, UST/RST? ** PG ** 10K)
Roche's Rec: JLB writes a fantastically fragile Scully and a simply breathtaking story about Scully on the edge, perhaps falling off with the help of her dreams and a handsome car companion.
Learning Curve
By JLB (
Scully plays pupil. (no, it's *not* what you're thinking)
(MSR ** PG-13 ** 25K)
Samantha's Rec: Romantic and sensuously detailed, this story realistically shows us Scully's internal struggle to find her way in her recently redefined relationship with Fox.
The Lessons Series
By Jori ( and MoJo (
Mulder and Scully resolve some of their UST using the wide world of sports!
(SR, UST ** PG to NC-17 ** 279K (in 14 parts))
Exley's Rec: Mulder taught Scully baseball in "The Unnatural," and these stories follow that episode and feature lessons in various sports alternately taught by Mulder and Scully. Witty innuendo features prominently and romance is in the air. There aren't any losers in the sports played in this series!

Shock the Monkey
By Kassandra
No summary
(SA ** R ** 162K)
Padgett's Rec: Krycek's inner self crackles to life through his journal entries in this story that simply makes you like him even as you read about everything that makes you hate him. The characters are written with a complicated, interesting mix of desperation, humor, anger, comfort, and a general respect that helps make this one of the best X-Files slash stories.
Air of Fall
By KatyBlue (
No summary
(MSR, A ** PG-13 ** 22K)
The Great Pumpkin's Rec: This bittersweet Halloween story tackles big, difficult issues like family and love with a lovely, soft, romantic edge.
Inclemency of Sky
By KatyBlue (
Scully's and Mulder's musings during his abduction.
(MSR, Angst ** PG-13 ** 32K)
Ahab's Rec: This story has a dreamlike, flowing quality with its fluid, introspective prose, as if you can see it playing in your mind, and it washes over you like the cool, comforting ocean it describes for my daughter and Mulder during a time when they may not be as separated as they seem.
Infinitesimal Illumination
By KatyBlue (
A late night drive under dark stars.
(UST, MSR, MA, SA ** PG-13 ** 51K)
Samantha's Rec: Scully's honest answer to a question from Fox leads to soul-searching for both of them. Great dialogue, angst, and characterization.
The Quiet and Safe Insanity of Dreams
By KatyBlue (
Late one night, Scully, Frohike and IM...
(MSR, SA ** Not rated ** 28K)
Roche's Rec: From the summary you may think this story is based on humor and innuendo, but while it has its fair share, the story is much more about loss, longing, fear, and friendship. KatyBlue expertly captures the sweetest and deepest essence of the characters in this truly endearing season eight story.
Sliding Home
By KatyBlue (
A moment on a ball field.
(Post episode for "The Unnatural" ** PG-13 ** 15K)
Exley's Rec: KatyBlue calls this a "feel good" fanfic, and that it is in spades. She adeptly picks up the relaxed atmosphere of the last baseball scene in "The Unnatural" and turns it into something more, something perhaps even more sweet.
Deus Ex Machina
By Kelly Keil (
Scully is adopted by a cat with an ulterior motive.
(S, H, A, MSR ** R ** 36K)
Queequeg's Rec: This is one of the most unique season seven stories out there. In it you'll find a cat with great characterization (and I normally don't like cats), a frustrated Scully, and a surprising end.
Basketball Therapy
By Kel (
Set shortly before Tithonus, this story explores life in the bullpen, where tedium and background checks are the order of the day. When Scully gets drawn into an investigation at a Maryland hospital, Mulder gets trapped in a deadly hostage situation.
(XRH, A ** PG-13 ** 273K)
Exley's Rec: This story strikes a great balance between an involved, tense casefile and a romantic, believable relationship for Mulder and Scully. At times it's sweet, at times it's scary, and sometimes it's both. Plus there's basketball. A terrific long read!
Bone of Contention
By Kel ( and Michelle Kiefer (
When an investigation in the middle of nowhere opens old wounds, 2000 miles away becomes too close to home. Can Mulder and Scully unravel the puzzle before they fall apart?
(Casefile ** R ** 232K)
Boggs's Rec: This story is a terrific read! It's well written and it's a twisted, cohesive casefile with surprising ties to the show's mythology, but it's more than that. Mulder and Scully are pitch perfect in the way they speak to each other (and in what they don't say to each other) and how they're emotionally fragile and perplexed about their relationship. It's all around fun to read!
Go With the Flow
By Kel (
A fond farewell to Mulder's couch.
(MSR, "first time post-babyfic" ** NC-17 ** 16K)
Max's Rec: Set after Existence, Kel's version of Mulder and Scully's "first time" post-baby is both sexy and humorous.
By Kel ( and Michelle Kiefer (
Bermuda, 1965. Two women, two men. Two sons, one father.
(Pre-XF ** R ** 55K)
Amazing Maleeni's Rec: It's delightfully creepy to read about the Spenders and the Mulders on a vacation (of sorts) as if they're normal people without conspiracies to plan and dire secrets to hide.
Small Fries
By Kel (
The bud doesn't fall far from the spud.
(X ** G ** 75K)
Tooms's Rec: Two of the most colorful and humorous characters ever to appear in the X-Files return in this casefile exploring the Van Blundht progeny. Kel's trademark wit makes this a highly entertaining read.
Waiting for Agent Right
By Kel (
Killing time in an anonymous airport. Mulder wants a toaster.
(Story, humor ** PG ** 36K)
Max's Rec: Waiting for a delayed flight, Mulder's drunk and chatty on champagne, Scully's annoyed and chatty with Mulder, and the results are incredibly humorous and surprisingly heartfelt.
Queequeg Gets His
By Claire Kerr
After Queequeg's death, Mulder and Scully experience some odd things.
(SH ** PG ** 7K)
Queequeg's Rec: Although definitely not what happened to me because I'm always a good dog, this story is a hilarious take on the Afterlife.
Option Three
By Khyber (
Halloween. A little exposed skin, tentative conversation, a bag of candy and a lesson in sharing.
(S, R, A, H, Mulder/Scully UST, possible MSR ** NC-17 ** 42K)
The Great Pumpkin's Rec: Khyber packs some of everything into this fun, sexy story about two agents on a particularly eventful stakeout. It's so easy and enjoyable to read that before you know it you're at the end, wishing for more.
The Bar Scene: Better Light
By Michelle Kiefer (
His recognition of her had been that of one damaged person to another--each of them a few fragments short of completion. There was nothing more.
(V, A ** PG-13 ** 16K)
CSM's Rec: Years may have passed since "The Field Where I Died," but viewers and writers alike are still fascinated by the happenings in Apison, Tennessee. In Michelle's story, Mulder and Scully discuss the case and its meaning for their partnership. Great insights, characterization, and UST.
The Bar Scene: Race The Wind
By Michelle Kiefer (
Maybe it was as simple as wanting to see if her body remembered how to respond.
(V,A ** PG-13 ** 13K)
Melissa's Rec: I always like stories that feature secret rituals of Mulder and my sister, and Michelle describes a nice one here involving after-case meals. The meal in this story is tense and angsty, exploring Scully's state of mind and health mid season four.
Bone of Contention
By Kel ( and Michelle Kiefer (
When an investigation in the middle of nowhere opens old wounds, 2000 miles away becomes too close to home. Can Mulder and Scully unravel the puzzle before they fall apart?
(Casefile ** R ** 232K)
Boggs's Rec: This story is a terrific read! It's well written and it's a twisted, cohesive casefile with surprising ties to the show's mythology, but it's more than that. Mulder and Scully are pitch perfect in the way they speak to each other (and in what they don't say to each other) and how they're emotionally fragile and perplexed about their relationship. It's all around fun to read!
Christmas in California
By Michelle Kiefer (
"Get her to come to San Diego, Mom. Christmas in California is just what Dana needs to cheer her up."
(S ** PG-13 ** 24K)
Melissa's Rec: Michelle's version of my mother is warm and loving in this poignant Christmas story.
By Michelle Kiefer (
Every loss has torn a little piece out of them, until the individuals that remain are forever altered from their original form.
(MSR, V ** R ** 11K)
Max's Rec: Michelle captures a quiet moment for a Mulder and Scully on the run in this lovely vignette set after The Truth.
By Kel ( and Michelle Kiefer (
Bermuda, 1965. Two women, two men. Two sons, one father.
(Pre-XF ** R ** 55K)
Amazing Maleeni's Rec: It's delightfully creepy to read about the Spenders and the Mulders on a vacation (of sorts) as if they're normal people without conspiracies to plan and dire secrets to hide.
By Michelle Kiefer (
No summary
(S ** PG ** 11K)
Ahab's Rec: Ocean and family loom large in this mysterious tale told through third party observation.
How the Grinch Stole R'Hood
By Kipler (
A commentary on "The Field Where I Died"
(H ** Not rated ** 6K)
Byers's Rec: This poem is a witty, ingenious, tongue-in-cheek, Suessical lark about those pesky Relationshippers. It's even more amusing given the eventual track of the X-Files.
By Kipler (
A story about killer brownies and their effect on the cerebrum.
(X ** G ** 87K)
Byers's Rec: Kipler's writing, plotting, and characterization of both X-Files and original characters are all magnificent in this intriguing casefile that reads like an episode. A very, very good episode. About poetry's relevance to this story, trust me, you'll get there.
Strangers and the Strange Dead
By Kipler (
In which dead bodies and shivering people disturb the hilltown of Bradenton, and our young, orphaned narrator serves hot beverages to the investigating agents even as she ponders the peculiar, elusive nature of their relationship.
(S ** G ** 45K)
Max's Rec: Even if you've already read this classic of classic stories, read it again. Kipler spins a fascinating, original, and chilling tale through intimate personal observation.
Blue Danube Two-Step
By KMB (
The Former Mrs Mulder in San Francisco
(VA, M/other-past, MSR implied ** R ** 17K)
Diana Fowley's Rec: There's something agreeably alluring and delightfully covert about this ex-wife of Mulder's that makes her existence believable and enjoyable to read about.
Generation X
By Julia Kosatka ( and Kellie Matthews-Simmons (
On their way back from Washington, Mulder and Scully get stranded at a remote house in Pennsylvania with a young woman with considerable paranormal ability and a family history of alien abduction. After Mulder and Jeanne disappear for several hours under bizarre circumstances, even Scully is convinced that there is something strange going on.
(XR ** NC-17 ** 303K)
Boggs's Rec: Here's one of the earliest X-Files fanfic stories, set and written in season one. This story does read differently at times because it's set so early in the series, but it's a real treat for its look at Mulder, Scully, their working & personal dynamics, and their outlooks on aliens and abduction, especially given what happens to them in the later seasons. All that plus it's a very interesting story with plotty twists and an original character with a psychic ability that's important to the tale in many ways.

By Lady Myra
Scully and Mulder are separated by fate. When she finds a way for them to be together again, can he make the sacrifice necessary to join her?
(S, R, A, AU, MSR, a bit odd ** R ** 28K)
Roche's Rec: Mulder and Scully are populating each other's dreamlike worlds and aching for each other in this gorgeous tale of requited love that may be lost. The story is a bit odd, but it is drenched with some of the most wonderful bittersweet romance you'll ever find.
By Rhondda Lake
Answer to the SPCDD Halloween story challenge. Nightmares.
(V, A ** Not Rated ** 6K)
The Great Pumpkin's Rec: It's Halloween, Scully has cancer, and Mulder has a dream. It's weird, it's startling, and it's very good.
Swimming Upstream
By Lakticia (
A chance remark on a case leads to a late night conversation.
(S, Post-Detour; UST ** PG ** 20K)
Padgett's Rec: Good old-fashioned UST, witty dialogue, and a healthy dash of angst make this post-ep for "Detour" a wonderful treat. Lakticia mentions being a new author, but the writing here is so surefooted and the characterization so spot-on that you'd never guess it.
Words Left Unsaid
By Lakticia (
"Day or night. I can be here in 20 minutes."
(Story, Angst, M/S UST ** PG ** 15K)
Padgett's Rec: Mulder and Scully are achingly unsettled and vulnerable as they muddle through a sleepless weekend in this beautiful story. Lakticia perfectly captures the way their relationship can be so complicated and obtuse yet so loving and perfect.
The Mind of a Wolf
By Narida Law (
Mulder and Scully from an observer whose ability to see extends beyond the limitations of the human eye.
(VA, Mulder/Scully UST ** PG-13 ** 31K)
Queequeg's Rec: In this intriguing story, Narida provides a peek into the mind of a character whose motivations in "Alpha" weren't completely clear.
By CiCi Lean (
Ghost!Scully angst
(V, SA ** PG ** 4K)
Deep Throat's Rec: This story is completely AU, but it's also completely spot-on Scully. Her longing here is as wrenching as it is morbid.
Dreaming of An Unnoticed Life
By Christine Leigh (
Season seven. Missing scene from "Requiem." The time between the scene in the hallway and when Mulder leaves to return to Bellefleur.
(V, A, MSR ** PG ** 11K)
Boggs's Rec: There's a quiet melancholy about this story that's so sadly, perfectly heartbreaking. Christine well captures Mulder's and Scully's fears and hopes, made all the more poignant by what we know happens to Mulder in Bellefleur.
In Heaven's Forest
By Christine Leigh ( )
Emily POV. Set during Christmas time.
(V ** G ** 4K)
Queequeg's Rec: Christine captures Emily's voice well in this short, sweet tale.
False Requiem
By Christine Leigh (
Season Two. Takes place after the teaser for "One Breath," but before Scully's return.
(MSR ** PG-13 ** 10K)
Ahab's Rec: Angst abounds for Mulder in this hopeful, introspective tale of a complicated but pure bond.
Then The Morning Comes
By Lilly Rose (
No summary
(No classifications ** PG-13 ** 1K)
Max's Rec: In only 197 words, a lot can be said about Scully's mindset on the run post-"The Truth." I love how this story draws on a little piece of canon and turns it into something so heartrending and stubborn, just like Scully.
Behind the Curtains
By Lilydale (
Mulder and Scully take some time to enjoy a beautiful day, contemplate circus peanuts, and watch a demon dance.
(V, UST ** Not Rated ** 16K)
Samantha's Rec: Set during the sixth season, this story features snappy dialogue, great UST, and a perceptive look at Fox and Scully on the verge of becoming more than just friends and partners.
By Lilydale (
"To love one child and to love all children, whether living or dead - somewhere these two loves come together."
(Angst ** Not rated ** 14K)
Padgett's Rec: Mrs. Scully has secrets of her own in this sad, creepy story. Lilydale does a good job of exploring a fascinating possible scenario about the Scully family's conspiracy connections.
Haiku Helper: A Guide to Nine Years of The X-Files
By Emma Brightman ( and Lilydale (
No summary
(No classifications ** Not rated ** 19K)
Byers's Rec: It is very, very amusing to read about every single X-Files episode, each summarized with one haiku poem each. It's surprisingly possible!
Lucky X in the City
By Lilydale (
Samantha Jones meets Mulder in a bar. Fox hunting ensues. It's more serious than it sounds.
(S, Crossover (X-Files/Sex and the City) ** Not rated ** 27K)
Boggs's Rec: If any two shows seem incompatible, it's "The X-Files" and "Sex and the City." But as Lilydale's crossover story shows, in fanfic as in love, sometimes opposites really do attract. Samantha's sexy sassiness combines with classic Mulder angst in this "Tithonus" post-ep that's both funny and heartfelt.
Edge of Field
By Lisby (
"I was...curious about my Secret Admirer. Someone was taking fine care of me and I needed to know who and why."
(Story, Angst, Post-Colonization, MulderTorture ** PG with an edge ** 65K)
CSM's Rec: And what an intriguing, unqiue Secret Admirer it is! Lisby's post-col world is unique in that it brings the characters back in time, sort of, and together by coincidence, sort of. A mysterious story that will keep you guessing and wondering, give this story that's about the ties that bind a try.
Broken Lines in the Sand
By little cat feet
No summary
(No classifications ** Not rated ** 3K)
Langly's Rec: A short story, but one packed with wonderful peeks at Scully's insular yet soft self.
By little cat feet
You know that cure Mulder found for Scully's cancer? Well in this story, it didn't work.
(No classifications ** PG ** 5K)
Ahab's Rec: The emotions in this What-If story are painful but in the most lovely, honest way.
The Sound of a Train at Midnight
By little cat feet
They both have memories, and now they're making a new one.
(No classifications ** PG ** 7K)
Maurice and Lyda's Rec: It's difficult for a story about characters as serious and as emotionally insular as Mulder and Scully to strike a good, believable balance between romance and past or present angst, but this story about a calm, comforting night has just the right sweet, sentimental tone.
By Amperage ( and Livengoo (
Fox Mulder and Dana Scully have survived abductions, serial killers, mutants and aliens but the Partner Cooperation Program Wilderness Encounter may finally do them in. After poison ivy and catfish, who wouldn't long for a nice, safe killer mutant?
(TH ** PG ** 149K)
The Jersey Devil's Rec: The pitfalls (and rain) keep finding Mulder and Scully with unfortunate but very amusing frequency in this entertaining story. Amperage and Livengoo's back and forth ping-pong writing helps keep this story fast paced, and the way they both write Mulder and Scully brings the best out of the characters, showing how much they care for each other even in the midst of the other's frustrating traits and ill-timed humor.
Letters of Transit part 1, part 2
By Loch Ness (
It's 1999--"The Date" has come and gone, the "Project" is under way, and deadly bees have been unleashed on North America. With the world coming apart and people scrambling to get away from the swarm, Mulder faces fateful decisions about his own role in events to come--and about Scully.
(Post-col ** Not rated ** 232K)
CSM's Rec: In this amazing story, you'll read about many people you're familiar with, including me. Truly, this story has an incredible colonization storyline with an undercurrent of angst and longing that will blow you away from start to finish.
By LoneGunGuy (
'It seems very pretty,' Alice said when she had finished it, 'but it's rather hard to understand! Somehow it seems to fill my head with ideas -- only I don't know exactly what they are! However, somebody killed something: that's clear, at any rate --'
(XA ** PG ** 138K)
Boggs's Rec: This story could have been an episode of the show. It has a genius mix of the unexplainable(Mulder's territory) and medical science (Scully's territory), superb characterizations, a tightly structured plot, and a gripping sense of drama from start to finish. And trust me, psychic powers do come into play.
By LoneGunGuy (
In Dallas, the man who conquered cancer is found brutally murdered, his office splattered with blood, his killer on the loose. It's gonna be a long night...
(X ** PG ** 81K)
Padgett's Rec: LoneGunGuy writes an extremely smart science-based casefile where a journal counts among the important clues. The story highlights Mulder's and Scully's talents and intelligence while weaving together interesting and thrilling ideas.
The Tiger Complex
By LoneGunGuy (
While investigating a gruesome catastrophe in the Amazon rain forest, Mulder and Scully struggle against a mysterious killer, their own suspicions and the unforgiving jungle itself.
(Story ** R ** 355K)
The Jersey Devil's Rec: There are some, but few, stories that when you read them, you think they would make a good X-Files episode, and then there are stories like this one that you can picture so well as an episode that you forget that it's only a fic. This story is layered, involved, and fascinating, and it's wonderfully constructed from start to finish.
Under the Stars
By Lovesfox (
It's one of Scully's fantasies
(MSR, Smut, PWP, Mulder POV ** NC-17 ** 42K)
Boggs's Rec: A story this achingly romantic does you good.
Equanimity part 1, part 2
By LuvTheBeez
Mulder's sudden return coincides with the start of colonization. Was he sent home for a reason?
(MSR, Post-Colonization ** NC-17 ** 222K)
CSM's Rec: This story differs from most post-cols in that it starts before colonization and presents what might at first seem to be a happy reunion and hopeful beginning, and then it delves into the reasons for colonization and what it means for the characters. This story also packs some hefty romantic wallops and some dire adventures that make it stand out.
Anonymous People are the Only People Here
By Jamie Lyn ( or
When you're alone...
(MSR, Angst ** PG ** 24K)
Samantha's Rec: This story may make you cry because it made me cry. Jamie Lyn writes a marvelous tale weaving together Fox's and Scully's angst.
Full Moon, Near-Death, and Things Left Unfinished
By Jaime Lyn ( or (
Some people dress up. Mulder and Scully become X-Files.
(S, UST, MSR ** PG ** 53K)
The Great Pumpkin's Rec: Among the many reasons why you should read and savor this tremendous story: Mulder and Scully's conversations are exquisite, the writing is lush, the sequences linking the story together are creative and expertly woven, and alcohol makes Scully act funny.
How to Do Like This
By Jaime Lyn ( or
Post 'Requiem,' pre 'This Is Not Happening.'
(No classifications ** PG ** 16K)
CSM's Rec: Scully's anguish and struggle to survive without Mulder during his abduction are beautifully rendered in this sad but lovely story.
Ghostly Reminders
By Jennifer Lyon (
A series of strange deaths bring Mulder face-to-face with some very painful memories, and forces him to lay some very personal ghosts to rest.
(XA ** PG-13 ** 117K)
Diana Fowley's Rec: Oooo, such a mysterious case with a dastardly backstory about Mulder's past that provides an interesting take on his lonely, tortured mind. This story's not only about the case or only about Mulder - it's impossible for your heart to do anything but ache for both Mulder and Scully, whose relationship pulses with trust, respect, care, and a deep friendship unlike any other.
The Magicians Series Books I-IV and Book 3.5, parts 1, 2, 3, and 4
By Jennifer Lyon ( (I-IV), Suzanne Bickerstaffe ( (All), and Matthew Weed ( (3.5)
The series begins with Book I: Mulder and Scully investigate the appearance of a strange creature in an MIT laboratory, and find themselves drawn though a vortex into another world - a world where magic works - a world that is threatened by a terrible darkness.
(Adventure, Romance ** NC-17 ** 3.5M [741K, 689K, 1M, 573K, 495K])
Maurice and Lyda's Rec: There's nothing else like this epic tale. I hope you have A LOT of spare time in 2004 to read this most intricate and intriguing of X-Files stories.
Bump in the Night
By Lysandra (
Things that go bump in the night.
(VR ** PG-13 ** 27K)
The Great Pumpkin's Rec: In this wonderfully sweet story, Mulder and Scully share an autumn treat and an intimate, tension-filled moment.
Long Play
By Lysandra (
Mulder and Scully get rid of the dust.
(Story/Romance, MSR ** NC-17 ** 25K)
Langly's Rec: In this steamy story, Scully's discovery of a stack of vinyl records in Mulder's bedroom leads to a passionate encounter. Lysandra's Mulder is refreshingly realistic and guy-like, making the romance sweet, but never too sappy.

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