May 16, 2003
Guest Ghost Title
Guest Ghost

Growing up in a strict military household, I always thought my family was pretty boring and stuffy. Clearly, fanfic authors don't agree. The Scullys have inspired many stories over the years, and a few classics are featured below. Enjoy, and remember to send feedback -- it's good karma.

New Stories
By J.S. Michel (
You gotta live it every day.
(Post-col, DRR, Implied MSR ** R ** 51K)
Melissa's Rec: Just when you think that nobody writes post cols anymore, one comes out that grabs you, sucks you in, and makes you wish for more. J.S. Michel's story set in Mexico post-war is gritty and surprising with terrific characterizations.
The Bar Scene: Race The Wind
By Michelle Kiefer (
Maybe it was as simple as wanting to see if her body remembered how to respond.
(V,A ** PG-13 ** 13K)
Melissa's Rec: I always like stories that feature secret rituals of Mulder and my sister, and Michelle describes a nice one here involving after-case meals. The meal in this story is tense and angsty, exploring Scully's state of mind and health mid season four.
Charm Offensive
By ML (
An unwanted gift provokes some very personal revelations between Mulder and Scully.
(V, MSR ** R ** 69K)
Melissa's Rec: Throughout the "Milagro" case, Dana and Mulder are thinking about much more than it seems, as told in ML's sensitive, wrenching, and romantic story. No doubt you'll want to go watch the episode again after reading this and watch with a renewed happy knowledge of what could be happening between the scenes.
A Plan Well Made
By Flynn (
No summary
(MSR, mild MT ** PG ** 28K)
Melissa's Rec: This story is a UST-filled treat, featuring a sensitive, well-written Mulder and his plans for Dana's birthday.
Puzzle Pieces
By Invisigoth (
Scully and Mulder work on a puzzle, among other things
(SRA ** R ** 30K)
Melissa's Rec: This story tracks Mulder and my sister through part of season six during which time a big alien puzzle isn't the only thing in their lives where all the pieces are finally coming together. With lyrical prose, playful yet serious dialog, and particularly fitting and quirky descriptions of the partners through each other's eyes, Puzzle Pieces is a lovely, funny, touching tale.
Something in Common
By Polly ( and SLS (
"I'm a man who values the truth, remember? That's something we do have in common."
(S, Angst ** Not rated ** 33K)
Melissa's Rec: Mulder and Doggett both lost a son, albeit in different ways, and it's good to see a story finally grab that connection and use it to bring a sort of peace to both Mulder and Doggett even as they're in the midst of the turmoil of "The Truth."
By Maureen B. Ocks (
No summary
(510 words ** Not rated ** 8K)
Melissa's Rec: With great dialog dancing between restraint and full on emotion, Maureen delivers a tasty little "Grotesque" post-ep.

Classic Stories
An Anonymous Family
By Gina Rain (
My attempt at taking a sad song, and making it better.
(S, A, MSR (sort of) ** PG-13 ** 25K)
Melissa's Rec: It's difficult to describe this story without giving too much away. But I can say that the bonds of family are at the heart of this beautiful, moving tale set after "The Truth."
The Ashes That Remain
By Elizabeth Rowandale (
Mulder and Scully's intense manhunt for a serial killer mixed with Scully's long weekend with her family, brings to light a number of unresolved issues.
(S, A, M/S UST ** PG ** 83K)
Melissa's Rec: The summary describes well what happens in this story, but it doesn't quite capture the story's beautiful emotional range, floating between comfort, fear, forgiveness, insecurity, and love with grand ease. While you can read this story on its own, you may want to read the two that precede it, Among the Ashes and Rising From the Ashes, because even as they do not discuss my family, they help set the stage for both the plot and the emotions of this story. Also, this story series concludes in Brushing Away the Ashes.
Christmas in California
By Michelle Kiefer (
"Get her to come to San Diego, Mom. Christmas in California is just what Dana needs to cheer her up."
(S ** PG-13 ** 24K)
Melissa's Rec: Michelle's version of my mother is warm and loving in this poignant Christmas story.
Cutting to the Chase
By PD (
"You know, Scully, you don't have to qualify our relationship to anyone. Not even to your brother." Scully sighed and curled her arm over his chest. "Still, one of these days, I'd like to figure out exactly what to say when I need to make introductions. 'Hello, I'd like you to meet my...'" Scully made a Password gesture that would have made the late, great Allen Ludden proud as a new papa. "How 'bout Mulder?" She grinned. "I'd like you to meet my Mulder?" "I am," he said.
(MSR, babyfic, S, R, H ** PG-13 ** 94K)
Melissa's Rec: With her trademark wit and great dialogue, PD gives readers both babyfic and marriagefic without getting too sappy. It's a fun, lighthearted read, featuring a very likeable Charles Scully.
God's Breath
By Jintian (
A mysterious death brings Scully's faith and personal history to the fore.
(XRA ** R ** 293K)
Melissa's Rec: A wonderful story about the family Dana had, the one she almost had, and the one in her life now. Mixed with a well-constructed casefile and a smart, serious look at perhaps the most intriguing aspect of Scully, her faith, this story rises high.
By syn
An unexpected death begins a terrible journey for Dana Scully and Fox Mulder, one that threatens to tear their faith, their beliefs and their partnership apart.
(TA ** R ** 163K)
Melissa's Rec: This story is simply amazing with its depth of emotion, twists of deception, and combination of familiar characters. Truly, this story will keep you enraptured and breathless.
Lunch with Tara, Dinner with John
By Sarah Segretti (
What Scully did while Mulder was trashing mailboxes, planting flamingos and drinking orange juice.
(SA with memories of R, ScullyAngst ** PG-13 ** 52K)
Melissa's Rec: Sarah takes us back to the tense days following "Two Fathers" and "One Son" in this angsty, insightful story set during "Arcadia." Our sister-in-law Tara makes an appearance, as does our nephew, Matthew.
One Holiday At A Time
By Rhoda Miel
No summary
(No classifications ** Not rated ** 16K)
Melissa's Rec: Dana muddles through her first Christmas without me but gets some help from Mulder and from within herself in this beautifully introspective and hopeful story.
By Penumbra (
Science and Mysticism conjoin
(S, MSR ** R ** 315K)
Melissa's Rec: Among its many virtues, this classic features a memorable Thanksgiving at my mother's home, with Mulder in attendance against Dana's wishes.
Shelter in a Time of Storm
By David Stoddard-Hunt (
...a rock in a weary land, a shelter in a time of storm.
(S, A, MSR ** PG ** 38K)
Melissa's Rec: Well in the future, a third party provides a loving look at Mulder and my sister's relationship with the help of my mom. Saccharine yet sad, this story provides a nice look at families and their similarities through the generations.
Simple Gifts
By J. T. Filipek (aka Livasnaps) (
A week apart following the events of Millennium gives Mulder and Scully a lot of time to think. They come to the decision that a late Christmas is MUCH better than none at all.
(MSR ** PG-13 ** 327K)
Melissa's Rec: This terrific novel is about so many things, important things like family, love, and Christmas, all nestled into a season seven holiday homecoming of sorts. This one will have you smiling.
Small Lives Awake
By Jesemie's Evil Twin ( or
Thanksgiving, 2000.
"For it is important that awake people be awake, or a
breaking line may discourage them back to sleep; the
signals we give -- yes or no, or maybe -- should be
clear: the darkness around us is deep."
-- William Stafford
(M/S, Story, Oddness, Alt-U ** NC-17 ** 77K)
Melissa's Rec: With her inimitable, poetic style and a touch of holiday whimsy, JET gifts us with a lovely story of Mulder and Dana's Thanksgiving with our brother Charlie and his family.

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