February 11, 2003
Guest Ghost Title
Guest Ghost

Alien abduction. It's a dirty little secret most people don't want to talk about and the government denies. Not everyone is afraid of the truth, however. The following classic stories are by authors who understand what it's like, both for abductees like myself and for those left behind.

New Stories
By Frances Hartman (fhartman1@rcn.com)
Mulder is distressed to discover that once the truth got out there, all he wanted to do was run like hell.
(Angst, MSR ** PG ** 56K)
Max's Rec: Mulder comes to an important realization about his relationship with Scully in this angsty and perceptive story.
By Elsie (elsiel@sprint.ca)
He'll do anything he can to satisfy her, to keep her around, but he can't tell her the truth.
(SRA, MSR ** PG-13 ** 36K)
Max's Rec: This story is said to be a companion to another ("Life With Mulder"), but I think it works very well on its own as an angst-filled, realistic look at Mulder and Scully on the road, post The Truth.
Down with the Marked
By Deslea (deslea@deslea.com)
"He doesn't love her - not the way the humans mean it. But he's marked with her, and she with him."
(Knowle/Shannon, Knowle POV ** PG ** 6K)
Max's Rec: Deslea's powerful language gives some unique, interesting insights into a couple of rarely examined characters and into what it may be like to be a little less than human.
Energy and Light
By Oracle (apollostemple@yahoo.com)
Four girls have vanished, each one on a different night. Each one by the light of a full moon. Is it just a coincidence?
(XRA, MSR, Slightly AU ** R ** 126K)
Max's Rec: Oracle's language is lovely and Mulder and Scully's lives and emotions are strikingly woven into this story's mysterious casefile.
By Michelle Kiefer (msk1024@yahoo.com)
Every loss has torn a little piece out of them, until the individuals that remain are forever altered from their original form.
(MSR, V ** R ** 11K)
Max's Rec: Michelle captures a quiet moment for a Mulder and Scully on the run in this lovely vignette set after The Truth.
By Mish (mish_rose@yahoo.com)
Let's just say, it's post "all things", and it has smut.
(MSR, PWP (sort of) ** NC-17 ** 30K)
Max's Rec: Mulder and Scully share a romantic interlude in a New Orleans gazebo in this sensually detailed story.
Go With the Flow
By Kel (ckelll@hotmail.com)
A fond farewell to Mulder's couch.
(MSR, "first time post-babyfic" ** NC-17 ** 16K)
Max's Rec: Set after Existence, Kel's version of Mulder and Scully's "first time" post-baby is both sexy and humorous.
The Only Thing
By Emily Todd Carter (starbuck23_ds@hotmail.com)
Post-final flashback in Per Manum. He had always protected her. Comforted her. Provided for her. But, with every other hope diminished, he will give the only thing he has left.
(SRA, MSR ** PG to PG-13 ** 20K)
Max's Rec: It's always a good time for Per Manum stories, especially when they're as sweet, sad, and honest as this one.
By Syntax6 (syn_tax6@yahoo.com)
It's hot as hell in Woodsbury and her birthday is coming 'round again. Ellie contacts the one man she knows who will believe her, the man who had saved her from certain death years before.
(Everything ** Not Rated ** 312K)
Max's Rec: It's good to still see long, intricate casefiles and original characters in new fic. This story is at times scary, at times tense, and always enjoyable.
The Third Sacrifice
By Gina Rain (ginarain@aol.com)
Mulder and Scully run into a little girl who claims to have been his daughter--in another lifetime.
(X, MSR ** PG-13 ** 57K)
Max's Rec: An interesting, well-written X-File that brings an old case back to the fore for Mulder and Scully.

Classic Stories
Across the Void
By Zuffy (zuffynuffy@yahoo.com)
Scully finds a surprise at Mulder's apartment.
(MSR, A ** PG-13 ** 19K)
Max's Rec: Post Requiem, Scully's alone, but in Zuffy's touching story, she finds some much needed, sweet comfort.
Brave New World
By Meredith (meredith_elsewhere@yahoo.com)
Requiem post-ep
(A, MSR ** R ** 42K)
Max's Rec: Meredith's Scully is strong but vulnerable in this insightful story about her life without Mulder, set during the long months of his abduction.
By Blueswirl (cleojones3@yahoo.com)
The past cannot help but have an irrevocable effect on the present.
(V, A, MSR ** PG ** 217K)
Max's Rec: Once you start this story of abductions, parenthood, returns, more abductions, and even more angst, you may not be able to stop. It's constructed as a series of vignettes, but they weave together seemlessly into a beautiful story of longing and love.
The Good Fairy
By Cecily Sasserbaum
Krycek and Marita are bad, bad, bad. They're also getting it on. (It's not slash, whatever the title implies.)
(Krycek/Marita, implied MSR, Krycek POV, S, A, R ** R/NC-17, but just barely ** 21K)
Max's Rec: Cecily's story is a little about abduction, a little about seduction, and a lot about Krycek. He's devious, smart, and manipulative in the wake of Mulder's return.
By Punk Maneuverability (punkm@teleport.com)
It's late November of 1995 and in the midst of the infamous Rift; Mulder and Scully investigate the circumstances surrounding a fifteen-year-old girl's multiple disappearances.
(X, A ** R ** 132K)
Max's Rec: Strong in both writing and emotional power, this story presents a Scully dealing with both tensions with Mulder and painful memories of her own abduction. Realistic and angsty.
Into A Forest
By Marasmus (marasmus_k@yahoo.com)
No Summary
(V ** PG ** 15K)
Max's Rec: Saying too much about this story could spoil it, so I'll only say that it's hard to believe that such an insightful, mysterious tale could be written as an improv in only a few hours.
Jasper's Last Thought
By MD1016 (MDsFanfic@yahoo.com)
Scully is abducted again, and returned to find her world has changed.
(TRA, MSR ** PG ** 30K)
Max's Rec: Touching and hopeful, MD takes Mulder and Scully on a journey to a new life in a unique town you won't soon forget.
Me in Honey
By alanna (wisteria@smyrnacable.net)
"I get the feeling that once I go back, I won't remember anything about this, so I'm writing it down so that I can remember."
(XRA ** R ** 20K)
Max's Rec: Original and unique in its perspective, alanna's story gives a peek into the fear and loneliness Mulder might have gone through during his abduction.
Now and in the Hour
By Brandon Ray (publius@avalon.net)
Requiem post-ep. "Sometimes I dream about a bright, white place."
(VRA, MSR implied. Character death (not Mulder or Scully). Religious content. ** PG-13 ** 19K)
Max's Rec: Through an unlikely narrator, Brandon provides what I'd call a realistic interpretation of what it's like in the bright, white place of abduction hell.
One Life
By Jintian (cooljinbeans@yahoo.com)
After Scully is returned from another abduction, things change for the partners. May be disturbing if you're looking for a happy ending.
(SRA, mythology, M/S something, Mulder angst ** NC-17 ** 67K)
Max's Rec: It's hard to describe Jintian's story aside from saying that its words, especially the internal and spoken dialogue, may break your heart.
By Jean Robinson (jeanrobinson@yahoo.com)
Everyone needs a little protection, especially when they think they don't.
(S ** PG ** 28K)
Max's Rec: Jean explores the time around Mulder's abduction and how Scully may have found out about it. Her characterizations are wonderful, especially for the Lone Gunmen.
Strangers and the Strange Dead
By Kipler (kipler@aol.com)
In which dead bodies and shivering people disturb the hilltown of Bradenton, and our young, orphaned narrator serves hot beverages to the investigating agents even as she ponders the peculiar, elusive nature of their relationship.
(S ** G ** 45K)
Max's Rec: Even if you've already read this classic of classic stories, read it again. Kipler spins a fascinating, original, and chilling tale through intimate personal observation.
By wen
strange rain-coloured snapshots of moments following scully's return from her abduction, season 2
(V ** Not Rated ** 13K)
Max's Rec: Using dreamy language, wen paints a stunning picture of Mulder and Scully through a series of connected thoughts and scenes. Gorgeous.

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