The Cryptkeeper welcomes you to The Other Side!

Approximately every other week The Cryptkeeper will summon forth a ghost from X-Files past to visit the scary world of fanfic. Your Guest Ghost will haunt you with a selection of both new and classic stories, the classic stories all following a theme of special spooky significance to the Guest Ghost.

Stay a while and enjoy some recs from the afterlife...If you dare!

Guest Ghost Title
Guest Ghost

Halloween is the most important and anticipated holiday of the year at The Other Side! The ghosts of X-Files past are taking October off to celebrate, leaving me to present you with a few choice stories to delight and scare you. The classic tales below all feature Halloween, so grab a few holiday sweets, settle in for some spooktacular fun, and be sure to send feedback. It's the sweetest treat!

New Stories
By Joann Humby (
After a year on the run, a series of bombings mean that everyone agrees that it's time for Mulder and Scully to stop running.
(X A ** R ** 339K)
The Great Pumpkins's Rec: A wonderful post "The Truth" tale in which Mulder's mental state over seeing ghosts is an interesting complication and aid. The depth of Mulder and Scully's trust and respect is also used to great effect. The story creates heart-pounding nervousness and anticipation, and you'll want to keep reading to know how the pieces will all fit together.
Beyond Aching
By ScamBeliever (
Mulder braves what he believes is his last chance.
(S, A, MSR, post-colonization ** PG ** 35K)
The Great Pumpkins's Rec: Mulder struggles with himself and with Scully over what their relationship does and could mean in a post-col world in this angsty, aching story that hurts, but in just the right way.
By JET (
Small Lives Awake Sequel
(S is for Silly Schmoopy Smutty Secret September Swap Story ** Not rated ** 27K)
The Great Pumpkins's Rec: Mulder and Scully share stories and secrets in this lovely, romantic outtake from an unfinished sequel to "Small Lives Awake." The story stands well on its own, but we can always ask for more!
Living with the Dreaming Body
By Punk Maneuverability (
The heart is an involuntary muscle.
(S, A, R, Mulder/Scully romance ** R ** 12K)
The Great Pumpkins's Rec: Gorgeous, heartbreaking, dreamy, and insightful begin to describe this story, but there's even more than that packed into just 12K. What a treat to get a new fic from such a great author!
Modern-Day Bonnie and Clyde
By Blueswirl (
No summary
(V, R ** PG ** 14K)
The Great Pumpkins's Rec: Life on the run isn't as glamorous as it seems in the movies. In this story set after "The Truth", Blueswirl provides poignant insights into Scully's heart and mind after yet another long day on the road with Mulder.
Still Raining
By Donna (
Did she ever tell him what she and Sheila discussed in the bathroom?
(MSR, angst ** PG ** 7K)
The Great Pumpkins's Rec: Mulder and Scully are not geniuses at personal relationships, but in this post "Rain King" story they so sweet, tentative, and enigmatic that their loss is our gain. Foggier Than Ever continues the tale.
By Nlynn (
You could be whoever you wanted to be, slip on one identity, and if it didn't fit, toss it aside and try on another one.
(No classifications ** PG-13 ** 29K)
The Great Pumpkins's Rec: Scully struggles with painful emotions in this touching story set after "The Truth", missing both the family she left behind and the son she gave away.

Classic Stories
Air of Fall
By KatyBlue (
No summary
(MSR, A ** PG-13 ** 22K)
The Great Pumpkin's Rec: This bittersweet Halloween story tackles big, difficult issues like family and love with a lovely, soft, romantic edge.
All Hallow's Eve
By Sue Esty (Windsinger) (
Driving back to Washington on Halloween evening Mulder and Scully see strange lights in the sky over rural Maryland, stop to investigate, and find themselves spending a night they will not soon forget.
(TRA ** PG-13 ** 74K)
The Great Pumpkin's Rec: Mulder and Scully have particularly playful and smart conversations in this mid-third season tale even in the midst of strange, spooky happenings. The story continues in long sweeping epic style in parts 2, 3, and 4, which you can find at The Annex.
And Dance By the Light of the Moon
By MustangSally ( and RivkaT (
Halloween (mind) candy.
(SRH ** NC-17 ** 22K)
The Great Pumpkin's Rec: It's hard to choose the best part of this story, though it might be Mulder saying "I am not carrying a dead guy without pants." Or maybe the ridiculously apt Mulder and Scully cavorting in a cemetery. Or maybe it's the wicked ending that makes this story such a treat.
Bump in the Night
By MystPhile (
A Halloween/Birthday/Ghost/Love story
(V, MSR, X ** PG-13 ** 19K)
The Great Pumpkin's Rec: Remember Mulder and Scully in a haunted Christmas house at Mulder's request? This time, it's a haunted Halloween house, and it's all Scully's idea. Except for the romance - that's mutual.
Bump in the Night
By Lysandra (
Things that go bump in the night.
(VR ** PG-13 ** 27K)
The Great Pumpkin's Rec: In this wonderfully sweet story, Mulder and Scully share an autumn treat and an intimate, tension-filled moment.
Full Moon, Near-Death, and Things Left Unfinished
By Jaime Lyn ( or (
Some people dress up. Mulder and Scully become X-Files.
(S, UST, MSR ** PG ** 53K)
The Great Pumpkin's Rec: Among the many reasons why you should read and savor this tremendous story: Mulder and Scully's conversations are exquisite, the writing is lush, the sequences linking the story together are creative and expertly woven, and alcohol makes Scully act funny.
Furtive Attraction
By Barbara D. (
Hide and Seek
(No classifications ** PG ** 18K)
The Great Pumpkin's Rec: Barbara's fun, flirtatious dialog sparkles in this haunted house story set during the early days of Mulder and Scully's partnership.
A Halloween Confection
By syn
A Halloween X-File mystery in the office.
(H ** PG ** 9K)
The Great Pumpkin's Rec: The lighter sides of Mulder and Scully are exposed in this comical tale. Scully especially is a joy to read about as she's so happy and witty.
Haunted House
By Analise (
Mulder and Scully find themselves taking shelter from a storm in a storybook haunted house.
(S, X, MSR ** PG-13 ** 76K)
The Great Pumpkin's Rec: Mulder and Scully find themselves in the middle of a spooky, old-fashioned, X-Files-style ghost story in this fast-paced, well-characterized tale with surprises at every turn.
How Fox Mulder Eats a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup
By Aricia (send feedback to to be passed on to the author)
Mulder and Scully celebrate Halloween
(PWP, MSR ** NC-17 ** 13K)
The Great Pumpkin's Rec: The smut is awfully tasty in this playful story where leftover Halloween candy is put to creative use.
Option Three
By Khyber (
Halloween. A little exposed skin, tentative conversation, a bag of candy and a lesson in sharing.
(S, R, A, H, Mulder/Scully UST, possible MSR ** NC-17 ** 42K)
The Great Pumpkin's Rec: Khyber packs some of everything into this fun, sexy story about two agents on a particularly eventful stakeout. It's so easy and enjoyable to read that before you know it you're at the end, wishing for more.
Other Night
By Punk Maneuverability (
It's Halloween. Mulder and Scully decide to dress up.
(S, R, Mulder/Scully UST ** G ** 11K)
The Great Pumpkin's Rec: Some stories are perfect precisely because they could not be about any people other than the particular people in the story. That is the case with this charming, alluring story about Mulder and Scully planning their Halloween night.
Silence Waiting
By JET (
"I saw old Autumn in the misty morn stand shadowless like Silence, listening to silence..." -- Thomas Hood
(Oddness. Angst. ** NC-17 ** 105K)
The Great Pumpkin's Rec: With Mulder recovering from his "Amor Fati" illness and surgery, he and Scully investigate a woman who can read others' thoughts. Rich in both language and emotion, JET's parallel love stories make this tale a particularly sweet Halloween treat.
Soap and Eggs
By EPurSeMouve (
A possible future. A might-have-been. A what-if. Or a "There but for the grace of God...."
(S, R, A ** PG-13 ** 64K)
The Great Pumpkin's Rec: Mulder and Scully follow a yearly tradition in this story that has an eerie, sad tone even as it's full of heart and commitment. This tale that jumps off in season four is especially interesting given season nine and the finale in "The Truth" that leaves Mulder and Scully in an oddly similar place. The Soap and Eggs series continues in Soap and Eggs II, III, and IV.
Staking It Out
By frogdoggie (
Mulder and Skinner are stuck on a Halloween stake-out together.
(SRA ** R ** 31K)
The Great Pumpkin's Rec: This story is worth reading for Skinner's description of his childhood Halloween costume alone. But you may also be happily surprised at Mulder and Skinner's conversations, particularly at how Mulder adeptly tries to see and find the human side of Skinner.
By Rhondda Lake
Answer to the SPCDD Halloween story challenge. Nightmares.
(V, A ** Not Rated ** 6K)
The Great Pumpkin's Rec: It's Halloween, Scully has cancer, and Mulder has a dream. It's weird, it's startling, and it's very good.
What is Essential
By Emma Brightman (
Halloween, 1997. "What is essential is invisible to the eye."
(S, M/S UST ** PG ** 39K)
The Great Pumpkin's Rec: Emma's lovely, precise writing paints scenes that you can easily picture in rich detail and dialog that you can hear the characters' voices speak, including Mulder reading to Scully in French.

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