Any Moment | |
By winter baby (winter_baby@popullus.net) | |
Through the years, the moments. | |
(VRA, DRR, Reyes/Follmer ** PG-13 ** 10K) | |
Exley's Rec: This story's disjointed style works for the story it's trying to tell: Reyes's muddled relationships with Follmer and Doggett over her years in the FBI. It's a bittersweet yet hopeful story, much like Reyes herself. |
Best Lies | |
By Julie Fortune (juliefortune@comcast.net) | |
No summary | |
(No classifications ** Not rated ** 61K) | |
Exley's Rec: This is one of the best stories I've read in a long time. Mulder finds himself suddenly dealing with a caught killer from his past, and the implications of that are stunning in their depth, clarity, and emotion. The tension builds to great heights, and watch out for the ending. Beautiful, beautiful story. |
Brand New Car | |
By allimarie (cadenzathequarterhorse@yahoo.com) | |
When stuck in a rut, it is sometimes better to get an entirely new car. | |
(V, A ** PG-13 ** 12K) | |
Exley's Rec: Playful Mulder and Scully are always a delight, but this story is about more than just being playful. The mood flips back and forth in such sweet and moody ways that fit this pair just right. |
Fall: East on M St. | |
By Tabula Rasa (tabulaxrasa@yahoo.com) | |
No, she said. Mulder, it's Saturday. | |
(V, S POV, M/S something ** PG ** 8K) | |
Exley's Rec: Scully is so adorable trying to enjoy her free weekend time. Her thoughts in this story as she thinks about Mulder toiling in the basement feel very real and very Scully. |
Friend | |
By mountainphile (mountainphile@yahoo.com) | |
Season 2 post-episode for "Firewalker" and what might have followed after decontamination quarantine. | |
(Early-season M&S ** G ** 6K) | |
Exley's Rec: Taking an episode that hasn't exactly inspired many post-ep stories, mountainphile writes a charming tale about the case's aftermath, particularly on Mulder and his outlook on the future. |
Passion Fruit | |
By Lynn Saunders (lynnsaundersfanfic@hotmail.com) | |
There is no place she'd rather be. | |
(MSR, RST, Post-Ep for both "Amor Fati" and "Millennium" ** R ** 23K) | |
Exley's Rec: Lynn weaves a very nice romantic tale that fits well between elements we saw on the show. Particularly sweet are the apples - you'll see. |
Secret Holiday | |
By ML (msnsc21@aol.com) | |
The best holidays are the ones we declare for ourselves. | |
(No classifications ** R ** 38K) | |
Exley's Rec: Any move Mulder and Scully made beyond being just friends had to have been full of little difficulties, and ML fantastically describes how it might've been this enchanting, sexy story. |
Soup for One | |
By Gina Rain (ginarain@aol.com) | |
A tale of dreams and desires. | |
(MSR ** PG-13 ** 13K) | |
Exley's Rec: Scully finds herself feeling very alone after "Detour," and Gina writes a sad yet bravely hopeful story about how Scully handles that loneliness (with help from Mulder, of course). |
What's Left is Magic | |
By not jenny (circle@circlegirl.com) | |
"There's a black cat in the middle of the parking lot." | |
(Scully/Reyes, references to MSR, post-"The Truth" ** R ** 7K) | |
Exley's Rec: There's a desperation about Scully in this story that's sad and angsty even as it's right. She's seems a little off kilter here, as does Mulder, but that helps fit this tale into their strange lives after "The Truth." |
Ask About the Weather | |
By Rachel Howard (greatfuldane@yahoo.com) | |
Post-colonization, MS | |
(V ** PG ** 17K) | |
Exley's Rec: Another ghost recommended this story once before, but it's so different from all the other sports stories I'm recommending and such a very chilling and oddly romantic tale that it's showing up here again. |
Ball Four | |
By Jean Robinson (jeanrobinson@yahoo.com) | |
Playing by the rules doesn't always mean you win. | |
(S ** PG ** 56K) | |
Exley's Rec: Now this is what I mean about baseball being the best game, a great pastime, and a reason to give up all you know to play the game. Jean writes fun baseball, and playful and smart Mulder and Scully to go along with it. Until a little accident, that is, but the story continues its quick, interesting pace. Plus, there's a special brush with the afterlife! |
Basketball Therapy | |
By Kel (ckelll@hotmail.com) | |
Set shortly before Tithonus, this story explores life in the bullpen, where tedium and background checks are the order of the day. When Scully gets drawn into an investigation at a Maryland hospital, Mulder gets trapped in a deadly hostage situation. | |
(XRH, A ** PG-13 ** 273K) | |
Exley's Rec: This story strikes a great balance between an involved, tense casefile and a romantic, believable relationship for Mulder and Scully. At times it's sweet, at times it's scary, and sometimes it's both. Plus there's basketball. A terrific long read! |
The Climbing Series ( 9.8 meters per second per second, The Gym Rat, Top-Roping, and Mixed Signals) | |
By cofax (cofax@mindspring.com) | |
Summaries vary | |
(V ** PG to R ** 44K (27K, 6K, 6K, 5K)) | |
Exley's Rec: The perfect fit of Scully and climbing in these stories makes it clear that cofax knows a lot about both subjects. The writing is always clear, to the point, and yet manages to almost say more about things the writing doesn't explicitly say. Great insights into Scully. |
The Eyes of Texas | |
By Polly (polly122456@yahoo.com) | |
Mulder and Scully get the call when someone is threatening the President of the United States. | |
(MSR, Casefile ** PG-13 ** 79K) | |
Exley's Rec: If you can handle a very happy and together Mulder and Scully, then chances are you'll enjoy this intriguing casefile featuring my favorite sport. |
The Game | |
By Sheryl Martin | |
A discussion interrupts a basketball game. | |
(No classifications ** Not rated ** 5K) | |
Exley's Rec: Gotta love it when Scully stands up to Mulder - and when he understands. |
Gift Horse | |
By Susanne Barringer (sbarringer@usa.net) | |
Conversation fic, with a little baseball thrown in for good measure. | |
(Mulder/Scully UST ** PG-13 ** 16K) | |
Exley's Rec: An ultimate feel-good story. The UST's so thick you could cut it with a knife, the conversation is A+, and this baseball lesson after "The Unnatural" lesson is perfect. |
Grand Gestures | |
By Revely (revely_c@yahoo.com) | |
Disappearing jocks, soaring temperatures and a sweaty Mulder and Scully. All of this and still safe for the underage! | |
(X, A, UST ** PG-13 ** 114K) | |
Exley's Rec: There's little more enjoyable than Mulder and Scully undercover except maybe Mulder and Scully flirting undercover. Revely writes UST like nobody else, and this casefile doesn't disappoint in the sexual tension department nor in the appeal of the investigation itself. |
The Lessons Series | |
By Jori (damienma@adelphia.net) and MoJo (MoJoBer@aol.com) | |
Mulder and Scully resolve some of their UST using the wide world of sports! | |
(SR, UST ** PG to NC-17 ** 279K (in 14 parts)) | |
Exley's Rec: Mulder taught Scully baseball in "The Unnatural," and these stories follow that episode and feature lessons in various sports alternately taught by Mulder and Scully. Witty innuendo features prominently and romance is in the air. There aren't any losers in the sports played in this series! |
The Natural | |
By RocketMan | |
Baseball in the night. | |
(MSR ** Not rated ** 9K) | |
Exley's Rec: I love the explanation Mulder gives in this story for liking baseball and basketball. It makes even more sense after "The Truth." |
The Old Yawn and Stretch | |
By Missy Pennington | |
Scully recalls the summer she learned the real rules of baseball. | |
(V, UST ** Not rated ** 8K) | |
Exley's Rec: It never made sense that Agent Scully had never hit a baseball until Agent Mulder taught her how to hit under the stars, and thank goodness for Missy who puts that all in sweet context. |
One on One | |
By Dawn (sunrise83@comcast.net) | |
Scully learns the origins of Mulder's love of basketball. | |
(SA ** PG ** 12K) | |
Exley's Rec: This is one of those simple looking stories that rolls right over you, flowing so easily from what seems like one sort of story to another sort entirely. Both Mulder and Scully are particularly kind and sensitive here, which is also nice to see. |
Parabiosis | |
By Penumbra (penumbra23@hotmail.com) | |
Science and Mysticism conjoin | |
(S, MSR ** R ** 315K) | |
Exley's Rec: This story is not what I would classify as a sports story, and other ghosts have already recommended it, but it has Scully giving Mulder a thoughtful sports-related gift as well as one of the best basketball scenes ever, so I must rec it again. |
Sec30Row6 | |
By Mish (mish_rose@yahoo.com) | |
Baseball, a long hot summer with no X-files, and nothing to do but hang out at the park and talk. Perfect, right? | |
(M/S UST, MSR, slight M/O and S/O ** R ** 51K) | |
Exley's Rec: Baseball, banter, wooing, and the summer after the X-Files gets reopened in the movie - this story will paint a smile on your face from start to finish. Everything in it is not always an entirely smooth, easy ride, but it's always oh so good. |
Seventh-Inning Stretch | |
By Dianora | |
Post-"Unnatural" fic | |
(VR, MSR ** PG ** 5K) | |
Exley's Rec: Just a really sweet story where Mulder reveals one of his baseball related dreams. |
Sliding Home | |
By KatyBlue (katy2blue@aol.com) | |
A moment on a ball field. | |
(Post episode for "The Unnatural" ** PG-13 ** 15K) | |
Exley's Rec: KatyBlue calls this a "feel good" fanfic, and that it is in spades. She adeptly picks up the relaxed atmosphere of the last baseball scene in "The Unnatural" and turns it into something more, something perhaps even more sweet. |
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