The Cryptkeeper welcomes you to The Other Side!

Approximately every other week The Cryptkeeper will summon forth a ghost from X-Files past to visit the scary world of fanfic. Your Guest Ghost will haunt you with a selection of both new and classic stories, the classic stories all following a theme of special spooky significance to the Guest Ghost.

Stay a while and enjoy some recs from the afterlife...If you dare!

April 8, 2004
Guest Ghost Title
Guest Ghost

April is National Poetry Month even in the afterlife, so poetry seemed like the obvious choice for this April update's classic stories. Unfortunately, nobody in the X-Files afterlife wanted to take up the task because it's a very rough and tumble lot, so it fell to me, good old dependable straight-laced Byers. That was their loss because as you'll see poetry inspired authors to write terrific stories, everything from light humor to dark casefiles. As if that wasn't enough, there's a collection of great new stories for you to enjoy too. It's not in the official rules for celebrating National Poetry Month, but sending feedback is probably the best gift you can give to writers of all these stories, poems or not.

New Stories
By allimarie (
Axiom: A self-evident and necessary truth, or a proposition whose truth is so evident at first sight that no reasoning or demonstration can make it plainer.
(VRA, Mulder/Scully UST ** PG ** 22K)
Byers's Rec: The more I think about and revisit this story, the more I like it. It's full of excellent, UST-loaded conversation between Mulder and Scully, and allimarie wonderfully captured not just their speaking tone and style but their intelligence and fears. As a bonus, it fits this week's poetry theme, with both Mulder and Scully revealing how they feel about and how they interpret poetry. Marvelous!
Cast Me Gently Into Morning
By Ellie (
A Mulder-POV continuation of "Emily."
(VA, Post-Emily ** PG-13 ** 5K)
Byers's Rec: This is a quiet and almost melancholic story that's more introspection than action, but it's so sweet and full of hope. Ellie writes a wonderful Mulder, so caring and careful with Scully in a way that feels like a seamless continuation from how he was at the end of "Emily."
Insight III - WakeUp Call
By Joann Humby (
Suppose Scully arrived at the hospital two minutes later in Folie a Deux. Two years on, Scully has returned to the X-Files. Mulder is running the ISU. Alex Krycek is hired to find out why. Sometimes being the good guys isn't easy.
(X, A ** R ** 60K)
Byers's Rec: I'm going to have to have a stern talk with the other ghosts about how they managed to not mention the first two stories in this gripping, wonderful series, Insight and Insight II - Dark Fire. Joann's writing is always very precise and succinct, yet it does not skimp on detail or emotion, and this story is no exception. Absolutely riveting.
Overhead, the Stars
By bardsmaid (
Two very tired men. A language lesson. A houseplant.
(V ** R ** 18K)
Byers's Rec: This story achieves a great feat: Krycek seems almost human and normal with his houseplant and grungy little apartment even as his life is ever full of conspiracy and drama. Not many stories now (or ever) tackle the depths of the mytharc, but bardsmaid does with a sharp, smart style that makes a heavy but very interesting read.
By Ellie (
I can't hold out forever; even walls fall down. An Orison post-ep.
(VA ** PG ** 11K)
Byers's Rec: This story works well with Scully's mindset after "Orison" and in the context of season seven in general. Mulder and Scully both feel very real here, walking on eggshells and afraid of Scully breaking even with the tough walls she's built around herself. Great emotion and possibly hopeful angst!

Classic Stories
By Amethyst
No summary
(Poem, parody, humor ** Not rated ** 3K)
Byers's Rec: The mytharc with all its confusing types of different aliens has never been funnier.
Christmas Kaddish
By Livia Balaban (
Christmas Eve falls on the Sabbath this year, so Mulder gets introspective and goes multicultural.
(V, A, Mulder POV ** PG ** 24K)
Byers's Rec: Religion was always at least an underlying theme of the X-Files, but fanfic was left to fill most of the gaps for Mulder's religious background and beliefs. Livia helps fill some gaps with this angsty and truthful scenario that has Mulder thinking about, among other things, poems and Scully.
Cloths of Darkness, Cloths of Light
By Doc Alien (
Scully goes to check on Mulder's empty apartment. Yes, it is still empty, but she finds some small surprises, about Mulder and herself.
(V, with hints of MSR ** PG ** 12K)
Byers's Rec: A poem plays a role in helping Scully cope, understand, and move into action post "Gethsemane." Her pain and frustration feel very real here even knowing it's not at all how it might have played out on the show. That's some good angst.
E-mail Poetry
By RocketMan
Mulder and Scully have a fight, then make up by e-mail.
(MSR, A ** G ** 11K)
Byers's Rec: Rocketman takes a fairly unrealistic scenario involving cryptic notes and poetry and makes it sweet and romantic. It's fitting for Mulder and Scully that one day something just snaps and they're suddenly able to communicate, especially when that communication still doesn't require them to actually talk out loud.
Haiku Helper: A Guide to Nine Years of The X-Files
By Emma Brightman ( and Lilydale (
No summary
(No classifications ** Not rated ** 19K)
Byers's Rec: It is very, very amusing to read about every single X-Files episode, each summarized with one haiku poem each. It's surprisingly possible!
How the Grinch Stole R'Hood
By Kipler (
A commentary on "The Field Where I Died"
(H ** Not rated ** 6K)
Byers's Rec: This poem is a witty, ingenious, tongue-in-cheek, Suessical lark about those pesky Relationshippers. It's even more amusing given the eventual track of the X-Files.
The Hundredth Day: Poetry Man
By Gina Rain (
Some days, it's hard for a girl to control her desires.
(MSR ** PG-13 ** 21K)
Byers's Rec: Mulder's past (and possible future) with poetry is revealed in this conversation-heavy story that's probably more about Scully than Mulder. Scully often seems very hard-edged, and Gina's exploration into when that veneer cracks is methodical, rational, and emotionally strange enough to be believable for Scully and a wonderfully romantic story for us. This story begins a series, which you can find here.
By shannono (
Mysterious poems begin arriving at Scully's apartment.
(Story, Erotica, Mulder/Scully Romance ** NC-17 ** 35K)
Byers's Rec: If you're looking for a good, emotional story with heavy heapings of romance and smut, look no further. Plus, it's first time fic!
A Lament for a SYD
By Punk Maneuverability (
A poem in honor of everyone's favorite SYD (Small Yappy Dog)
(Poem ** G ** 3K)
Byers's Rec: Poor Queequeg, he had a short life, but thank goodness he made a big enough impact to inspire heartfelt and hilarious odes such as this one.
The Muses Anthology
By Daydreamer (
A nine-part anthology of stories and poems based on the Greek Muses and the artistic field each represents.
(S, A, H, MSR ** G to NC-17 ** 2K to 84K)
Byers's Rec: These stories aren't particularly related to each other except for their Muse inspirations and their use of metaphors, but they read very well together in defining the incredible professional and personal partnership of Mulder and Scully. Daydreamer's language quickly creates and deftly maintains distinct moods and emotions in each story, all of which provide terrific character insights and romance. I particularly like the wit of Calliope and Clio for its exploration of Mrs. Mulder's character, and Terpsichore for its particularly apt metaphor.
By Penumbra (
Science and Mysticism conjoin
(S, MSR ** R ** 315K)
Byers's Rec: Even if this story didn't otherwise have scenes involving poetry, it would have to be recommended in a poetry themed update because of this superb line alone: "He was thirty years old when she met him, all scapegrace and mettle, and built like a poem." Go read the story because in context, this line's even better.
By Kipler (
A story about killer brownies and their effect on the cerebrum.
(X ** G ** 87K)
Byers's Rec: Kipler's writing, plotting, and characterization of both X-Files and original characters are all magnificent in this intriguing casefile that reads like an episode. A very, very good episode. About poetry's relevance to this story, trust me, you'll get there.
Scully And Angel on the Kitchen Floor
By Jennifer Maurer (
The temptation to write a story about this song lyric was irresistible. It's probably about as surreal as the song itself.
(S/R, Mulder/Scully romance ** NC-17 ** 28K)
Byers's Rec: A very weird and very Mulderish love poem composed with magnetic poetry leads Mulder and Scully to action (literally) in this hot story. (If the idea of songfic scares you, don't worry here.)
Seasonal X-Odes
By G-Woman
Somewhat abstract poems/little ditties designed to incorporate various episode titles and simultaneously attempt to encapsulate the overall sensibility of the season in question.
(No classifications ** Not rated ** 2K)
Byers's Rec: G-Woman ingeniously sums up each of the first five seasons using not much more than episode titles. It's amazing that it all makes sense, not to mention actually summarize events of the seasons!
By Shannon (
A serial killer is on the loose in Baltimore. Mulder (and Scully) are called in to assist the Baltimore Homicide Squad in profiling - and finding - the killer before he strikes again. Fox Mulder and Johnny Munch in the same story. Need I say more?
(Crossover (X-Files/Homicide:Life on the Street) ** PG-13 ** 218K)
Byers's Rec: This is a stellar investigative, crossover, Mulder as profiler story, and poetry is at its heart. The partnership of Mulder and Scully is an interesting contrast - and wonderfully highlighted as such - to that of Pembleton and Bayliss. This gritty, compelling story will suck you right in, even if you're unfamiliar with "Homicide" or "The X-Files."

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