July 30, 2003
Guest Ghost Title
Guest Ghost

Everyone knows that I read Moby Dick to Dana when she was young, but there are many more stories about the sea than just the tale of Ahab, Starbuck, and the white whale. The following classic stories all feature the ocean, so read, enjoy, and be sure to send feedback. That's an order.

New Stories
After the Dark
By Aspen (aspen@silveraspen.net)
Night thoughts can be troublesome.
(No classifications ** PG ** 5K)
Ahab's Rec: My daughter's motivations and character in nine years working on the X-Files is succintly, insightfully explored in this lovely first work by Aspen.
By Bonetree (BoneTree@aol.com)
Choices, wings and all things.
(Vignette, missing scene ** NC-17 ** 5K)
Ahab's Rec: Full of rich imagery and emotion, Bonetree's exploration of Scully's thoughts, post "all things," gives readers wonderful insight into the episode.
By Oracle (apollostemple@yahoo.com)
Something between them has been slowly melting, thawing like the winter cold, and maybe tonight it will wash away.
(SRHA, Mulder/Scully Romance ** R ** 23K)
Ahab's Rec: So many lines, paragraphs, and scenes in this story read like poems, washing over you like rain and making you want to stop, pause, and savor each drop before the next one falls. It's a mystery, it's a romance, and it's a gem of a story.
The Elusive Scent of Lilacs
By Blackwood (entreamis@yahoo.com)
Rarity does tend to enhance the value of that which is desired, but withheld.
(MSR, UST, Angst, post-Series ** PG ** 26K)
Ahab's Rec: Mulder's memories are interwoven with his present in a heartbreaking but pure way in this lovely tale set years after we last saw them.
False Requiem
By Christine Leigh (leighchristine@hotmail.com)
Season Two. Takes place after the teaser for "One Breath," but before Scully's return.
(MSR ** PG-13 ** 10K)
Ahab's Rec: Angst abounds for Mulder in this hopeful, introspective tale of a complicated but pure bond.
Fight or Flight
By frogdoggie (frogdoggie@hotmail.com)
In the end which will we choose - fight or flight?
(VRA, MSR, M/SC/SK friendship, SK/Sharon ** NC-17 ** 7K)
Ahab's Rec: An intriguing AU what-if of sorts that's a companion to frogdoggie's Time and Tide, this story subtly yet strongly builds intrigue, safety, romance, and despair all at once.
Goodnight, My Angel
By Snark (snark_911@yahoo.com)
No summary, other than to say it's post-Ascension.
(No classifications ** G ** 7K)
Ahab's Rec: Snark writes a sad tale of longing and hope that perfectly portrays Mulder while his partner is missing.
By little cat feet
You know that cure Mulder found for Scully's cancer? Well in this story, it didn't work.
(No classifications ** PG ** 5K)
Ahab's Rec: The emotions in this What-If story are painful but in the most lovely, honest way.
Shadows and Coolness
By Blueswirl (cleojones3@yahoo.com)
No summary
(No classifications ** Not rated ** 5K)
Ahab's Rec: Blueswirl treats us to the sweet awkwardness of Mulder and Scully after their flirtatious batting practice in this post-ep for "The Unnatural." It's wonderful to see Blueswirl back on the fanfic scene!
Split the Lark
By syntax6 (syn_tax6@yahoo.com)
No summary
(No classifications ** NC-17 ** 387K)
Ahab's Rec: New novel-length stories are nowadays all too rare a treat. This one offers great looks at the characters of Dana and Mulder, testing the incredible depths of their partnership, as they deal with not one but two personally relevant investigations.
Whom And What They Like
By Maureen B. Ocks (maureen_b_ocks@yahoo.com)
No summary
(No classifications ** Not rated ** 7K)
Ahab's Rec: Sweet, playful dialogue defines this "The Unnatural" post-ep - it's very easy to hear Mulder and my Starbuck saying these words, wearing smiles on their faces and putting smiles on yours.

Classic Stories
By RivkaT (rivkat@aol.com)
A multiple murder case in Maine tests Mulder and Scully's partnership.
(XA, UST ** R ** 201K)
Ahab's Rec: Mulder and my daughter are both written so well in "Acadia" that it'll break your heart, and the oceanside setting is described to paint a perfect, beautiful picture of it in your head. That starts to describe this story, but it's much, much more than that - it's a tremendous ride from beginning to end.
By Anjou (Anjou@rocketmail.com)
A journey home for Mulder is one of discovery for Scully.
(MSR, Angst ** NC-17 ** 66K)
Ahab's Rec: A beautiful setting, perfectly developed angst, a strong sense of romance, and difficult but comforting soul searching for both agents make this story stand out. You'll want to take your own trip to the ocean after reading this.
By Terma99
Who wouldn't dream of spending two weeks on a private island with a tanned, naked Mulder?
(MSR ** R ** 38K)
Ahab's Rec: Terma mentions the inspiration for this story as wanting to take Mulder and Scully to a particularly romantic and idyllic place. It's a joy to read about the comfortable intimacy and simple, and at times very passionately heated, love the two share on a remote island.
By Shalimar
Scully & Mulder's thoughts, post Emily
(Angst, MSR ** R ** 16K)
Ahab's Rec: Dana wants to cry, and before you're done reading, I bet you will want to cry too. I can't say enough about the great dramatic heights of angst and romance in this wonderful story set on the California ocean shore.
By Perelandra
Free the mind, and the body will follow.
(V/R/A, MSR ** NC-17 ** 17K)
Ahab's Rec: Two agents find a sort of peace and each other in this beautiful tale capturing comfort and longing by the ocean.
By Maggie McCain (maggie@maggiefic.com)
A stakeout, a beach bar, and a Jimmy Buffett cover band.
(VR ** PG ** 17K)
Ahab's Rec: Sweet, sexy, and fun shortly sums up this delicious story that features one of the best and most unique birthday gifts in any story.
Cruise Part 1, Part 2
By Madeleine Partous (partous@parkpub.com)
A series of mysterious deaths aboard its ships leads a cruise line to contact the FBI as rumours of a vengeful ghost begin to fly. Is the killer striking from beyond the grave?
(MSR, x-file ** R/NC-17 ** 211K)
Ahab's Rec: Set almost entirely on the ocean, this story has a classic paranormal feel with just the right amount of longing and romance. It also weaves in many important elements of early season four to create a lovely, and at times scary, ride of a tale.
The Dreaming Sea
By Revely (revely_c@yahoo.com)
A spectacular sighting in a seaside town brings Scully and Mulder face-to-face with a salt-water surprise.
(X, UST ** PG ** 126K)
Ahab's Rec: You'd be hard pressed to find many stories written more beautifully or more emotionally than this one. Revely makes you care about her characters with such simple ease, and combined with the UST and intriguing casefile, the story's a joy to read.
Erlona's Heart
By MD1016 (MDsFanfic@yahoo.com)
Mulder takes Scully on her dream vacation.
(Action/Adventure, Romance M/S, Angst M/S ** NC-17 ** 444K)
Ahab's Rec: This story is about so much more than a vacation. It's a rip-roaring adventure, a passionate romance, and a tantalyzing mystery. If you haven't already read this epic story (or even if you already have), you're in for a real treat!
By Annie Sewell-Jennings (anniesj@comcast.net)
A mother and a daughter.
(V, A, Mulder/Scully UST ** PG ** 16K)
Ahab's Rec: Annie writes about two of my favorite women and one of my other loves, the night sky over the ocean at night, and creates a touching, kind, and vivid picture of happiness.
Inclemency of Sky
By KatyBlue (Katy2blue@aol.com)
Scully's and Mulder's musings during his abduction.
(MSR, Angst ** PG-13 ** 32K)
Ahab's Rec: This story has a dreamlike, flowing quality with its fluid, introspective prose, as if you can see it playing in your mind, and it washes over you like the cool, comforting ocean it describes for my daughter and Mulder during a time when they may not be as separated as they seem.
Keeper of the Rock
By Riptide (riptide_isle@yahoo.com)
Mulder and Scully travel to Maine to investigate strange weather disturbances. A remote lighthouse seems to hold the key to both the investigation and Mulder's recurring nightmares.
(X-File, T, A, M/S Friendship, some UST ** PG-13 ** 129K)
Ahab's Rec: This story differs from many I'm recommending because it's more about Mulder, rather than my daughter, seeking truth and comfort by and from the sea. It's also an X-File and about confronting personal demons, told in a clear, crisp style bursting with detail and emotion.
More Than Nothing
By Karen Rasch (kmrasch@hotmail.com)
Scully reaches out to Mulder. Things are changing between them. But are either of them ready for it? (This is the third "Wonderland" story. A series of stories set during the Cancer Arc, "Wonderland" examines Scully's coming to grips with her disease and how her discoveries affect her relationship with Mulder. The earlier tales in this universe are "Of Cabbages & Kings" and "Impossible Things," and the last is "Joining the Dance.")
(SRA ** PG ** 72K)
Ahab's Rec: Karen writes one of the most beautiful explorations of Dana's ties to the water, to Mulder, and to her own self in this wondrous story. While it can stand on its own, you'd be missing out on some of the best romance, angst, and joy in all of fanfic were you to skip the other stories in the series (or were you to not take this opportunity to read them once again).
Neptune's Ocean
By M. Sebasky (msebasky@yahoo.com)
"Orison" post-ep
(Scully, POV Angst ** PG ** 7K)
Ahab's Rec: This story differs from most of the ones dealing with Dana's relationship with the ocean because here, in one of her ultimate moments of crisis, it's more of a menace than a comfort. It may be a short story, but it packs a lot of realistic punch.
By Alloway
Pondering her mortality, Scully takes a lover at a cottage by the sea. . .
(MSR, Scully angst ** R ** 19K)
Ahab's Rec: Heartbreaking in its simplicity and rawness, this story paints an excellent picture of Scully taking comfort the best way she knows how, by the ocean.
By Michelle Kiefer (msk1024@yahoo.com)
No summary
(S ** PG ** 11K)
Ahab's Rec: Ocean and family loom large in this mysterious tale told through third party observation.
By J.C. Sun
On the beach.
(VR ** PG ** 4K)
Ahab's Rec: I can't say too much about this story because in just 4K, J.C. Sun packs in many twists and turns as Mulder and my daughter spend some time together by the water. You may want to read the next story in the series as it too follows Mulder and Scully at the ocean with a healthy heaping of romance tinged with uncertainty and maybe regret.
By Mesa (Mesa98@juno.com)
The danger of the oceans is that you can never see the undertow until it's too late.
(V, A, R, MSR ** NC-17 ** 18K)
Ahab's Rec: Water defines Dana in this gorgeous metaphorical tale of survival, balance, and love. This story begins Mesa's "Ancient Elements" series, and while not about water like this story, "Weightless," "Ablaze," and "Plate Tectonics" are also each unbelievably amazing and well worth reading and savoring.

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